Stock market opportunities

If he made so much money that he retired by 40 why would you not trust him and only look at funds?

Read post 17. Specifically the first sentence.
I totally agree on investing in ways that make long term sense, our normal investing is that.. What I’m talking about is separate from that - this is more like fun money.

He was a super intense coked up day trader weirdo. Those skills don’t necessarily transfer, or if they do I wouldn’t trust him with my money today. He’s an acquaintance, not my brother in law.

I think I’ve found a like minded guy who will take me under his wing.
There are always outliers, but the biggest mistake I see clients/investors make is getting in their own way. They think this is coming, they think that is coming, struggle with decisions. Save as much as you can, as early as you can and keep it simple. You will be a successful investor over time.

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Yup...I sidlined funds...wait it will crash...never did and I missed out on the '22-'25 growth.
I heard once “there is nothing you know that the market does not”.

I used to think I could predict where the market was headed, I mean sometimes it is so obvious right?

Turns out I can’t actually predict the future…that was a costly lesson to learn
Did a similar thing with my 457 thinking I could time it… it’s dumb, just dollar cost average. I have been stacking more cash in a 4.5% MM fund separate from what I put into ETF’s, for if I want some cash for an opportunity play: which usually feel scary AF haha I remember buying the 2019 dip… kind of felt like burning money… now I wish I would have bought 10X what I did…
Did a similar thing with my 457 thinking I could time it… it’s dumb, just dollar cost average. I have been stacking more cash in a 4.5% MM fund separate from what I put into ETF’s, for if I want some cash for an opportunity play: which usually feel scary AF haha I remember buying the 2019 dip… kind of felt like burning money… now I wish I would have bought 10X what I did…
Everytime I see what my average on Apple and Phillips 66 are from buying in 2020, I just shake my head and wonder why I didnt dump my life savings into those two and walk away.

If timing the market was as easy as people seem to say it is, I wonder why so many people are still going to work?
I totally agree on investing in ways that make long term sense, our normal investing is that.. What I’m talking about is separate from that - this is more like fun money.

He was a super intense coked up day trader weirdo. Those skills don’t necessarily transfer, or if they do I wouldn’t trust him with my money today. He’s an acquaintance, not my brother in law.

I think I’ve found a like minded guy who will take me under his wing.
Funds are generally designed to spread risk and reduce volatility. If you are wanting to make quick cash with fun money, single stocks are what you should be looking at. While it can be done with funds, not really the most lucrative but the best thing about investing is that the only way to make it pay off is actually doing it, so have fun. If you find some opportunities pop into the thread I linked above. Good group of dudes in there that want to see us all meet our goals.
Everytime I see what my average on Apple and Phillips 66 are from buying in 2020, I just shake my head and wonder why I didnt dump my life savings into those two and walk away.

If timing the market was as easy as people seem to say it is, I wonder why so many people are still going to work.
Exactly! My biggest play was Exxon, and a few others that I should have gutted it out in but several I took like 30% profits like an idiot… Exxon I held, wish I had a bunch more though…
Funds are generally designed to spread risk and reduce volatility. If you are wanting to make quick cash with fun money, single stocks are what you should be looking at. While it can be done with funds, not really the most lucrative but the best thing about investing is that the only way to make it pay off is actually doing it, so have fun. If you find some opportunities pop into the thread I linked above. Good group of dudes in there that want to see us all meet our goals.
I thought that thread had died for some reason, or I wouldn’t have started this one just to ask a question. lol

Thanks for reminding me.
The last 12 months shows 23% return - that beat the S&P by a decent amount.View attachment 849034

I own a pile of BRK-B so I'm familiar with Berkshires performance.

Buffet is sitting on $334 Billion in cash right now...and has been for a long time. Thats a lot of dead money.

Outfits like Blackrock and Blackstone are beating him to the punch on niche investments. Since Charlie died....Berkshire doesn't seem to be as active....just sitting on their laurels.

Still a good company for sure, thats why I've owned it....but that a lot of dough just sitting there.
I started an IRA at 19 years old (I am 59). My employer did not have a retirement plan. Since then, years and years of investing for retirement.

I stated dabbling in stock purchases several years ago.. For "fun". (I don't gamble at casinos. But the monies I use a "bonus" and not part of my family budget)

The hardest thing for me to adjust to is selling. I have NEVER sold any of my retirement. But when picking stocks, (At least for me) you have to learn how (and when) to sell. Even what the process is.

One of my stock picks, I doubled my money (on paper) in ~ a year. The retirement "me" let it ride. A stock picker would have realized profit and move on. That stock has had a significant drop off from a year ago. (I finally bailed a few weeks ago at a much smaller profit)

I had another stock pick where I doubled my money in 3 weeks. Sold it. Did I sell at absolute peak? No. But I took my profit and accepted it as a win.

I am not a big trader. (I have less than $10K in individual stocks) But it is "fun" and yes I have made money. (Which is more than most casino visitors can say)
As to timing the market, I play around with it on a small % of some of my IRA account- so that I don't incur taxes.

One way to look at it....make $3,000 on a short term stock trade in a taxable account is really only $1500-$2200 depending on your tax rate....AND it raises your yearly taxable income potentially putting you in a higher % tax bracket. The stock could have dipped 20% and you are still ahead of the game holding on to it.

Trading in your IRA is tax deferred. I typically buy some stuff that is more volatile in that account so I can short term dump it if I have the inkling. I recently bought MGM in January and sold it on a big volume short cover day a couple weeks ago when it was up 15% in one day- $6600. It looked to be short covering on some good earnings news even though MGM is in some LT development deals that will take awhile to profit from.

Now it's cycled back to the $32 price. FWIW, I haven't bought it back yet as I think it might drop further due to the whole market sagging....but the point is there are situations where a guy can profit from big stock moves by trading.

Worth noting; Everyone always talks about their winners, see above- you never hear about the losers- grin.

I have some stocks like Ford I bought higher that are negative right now. I think it will be a long term winner if they get their act together...I would never recommend buying a stock for just a trade because it's volatile that I'm not willing to hold LT.

I DCA'd into Ford- I think we will see more ST pain- possibly going under $9. Thus I only bought 1/2 a position...and am planning on buying more if I like their strategy going forward. Right now they have some tough sledding
I own a pile of BRK-B so I'm familiar with Berkshires performance.

Buffet is sitting on $334 Billion in cash right now...and has been for a long time. Thats a lot of dead money.

Outfits like Blackrock and Blackstone are beating him to the punch on niche investments. Since Charlie died....Berkshire doesn't seem to be as active....just sitting on their laurels.

Still a good company for sure, thats why I've owned it....but that a lot of dough just sitting there.
Well, Berkshire will be well positioned to take advantage of opportunities that will be coming up.
I own a pile of BRK-B so I'm familiar with Berkshires performance.

Buffet is sitting on $334 Billion in cash right now...and has been for a long time. Thats a lot of dead money.

Outfits like Blackrock and Blackstone are beating him to the punch on niche investments. Since Charlie died....Berkshire doesn't seem to be as active....just sitting on their laurels.

Still a good company for sure, thats why I've owned it....but that a lot of dough just sitting there.
My thoughts on Berkshire. Buffet is sitting on a ton of cash right now because he perceives the market as volatile. They are doubling down on the insurance side of the house during this time -- showed record profits on that. So yes, that money is "sitting" idle. But it's still making decent interest AND they get to use it as collateral to increase their market share into the insurance side of the house. So it's not "really" idle. He's still making a ton of money on it that way... AND If the bottom of the market falls out he gets to swoop in.... the man is SMART!
I have some stocks like Ford I bought higher that are negative right now. I think it will be a long term winner if they get their act together...I would never recommend buying a stock for just a trade because it's volatile that I'm not willing to hold LT.

I DCA'd into Ford- I think we will see more ST pain- possibly going under $9. Thus I only bought 1/2 a position...and am planning on buying more if I like their strategy going forward. Right now they have some tough sledding
Speaking of losers! This was the first stock I purchased. I bought it because I thought they were at the leading major car mfg into the EV market. (Ignoring the issues I have with EV advocacy) I thought it was a solid long term play.

I sold it in Dec at a 56% loss.

But I used remaining cash to buy/sell KULR. (Which is the stock which doubled in 3 weeks!)
I'm skeptical of anyone that claims to have gotten rich day trading. I have an old buddy from high school that quit his just in 2021 and supposedly made millions day trading. Even had a corvette to prove it.

Currently sold the Corvette and is back at work today.
I would bet there are hunters here that make money day trading.....

Due you have the skillset this rare bunch has? I don't.

Are they going to give you their secret sauce?
There's about as much chance of that happening as a guy giving you his secret spot in an OTC unit.