Christensen Arms Ridgeline: quality and consistency?

Sep 28, 2020
I know there have been threads done before on Christensen rifles, but none really covered exactly what I'm trying to figure out. I'm looking to get a new Ridgeline Titanium in 28 Nosler. I've read tons on the woes of C.A. quality control, and how some people will buy rifles that are sub-MOA with factory and reloads, and others who just cannot get consistency or Sub-MOA accuracy out of their rifle (without sending them back to C.A. for warranty work). I'm just hoping to find out if those problems have been largely resolved now, or if there is need to be wary when buying a new rifle from them. If I'm spending around 2.5k on a rifle I don't think it's right that I'd have to send it back in for warranty work almost right out of the box. For those that did have to get work done, what exactly was it that was wrong? I've heard of rifles with shoddy beddings, and correcting that fixes accuracy, among other examples. I'm not trying to drag C.A. through the mud, I just want to make sure my money is going to a product that's worth it. The only alternative rifles I've looked at are the Weatherby Backcountry Ti and maybe rebarreling a Tikka T3X in 6.5 PRC with a Proof barrel. Not interested in a custom rifle quite yet, I'm still tinkering with calibers and loads to find my favorite.
I have a Ridgeline in 300WM and it shoots 1/2 MOA with Nosler factory ammo. That being said, the barrel wasn't aligned perfectly within the stock channel to the point it was barely touching the stock in the fore end (easily fixed with a light Dremel) and I had to tighten down the action screws. Very minor, but the stock channel should have been caught before it left the factory.

Again though, it's a 1/2 MOA gun and I really enjoy shooting and hunting with it. It seems like lately they've started to get those little things together (fit/finish/faulty extractors) and I wouldn't hesitate to buy one if that's what I wanted at that price.
Mine’s been crazy accurate, 300 WM. Personally I wouldn’t have any concerns with regards to fit and finish, but I don’t doubt there’s issues out there. The thread on the Ti version of the Mesa really shows that the stocks seems to be their weakness (lots seemed to be coming in over weight). Stocks can be replaced. I’ve never read anything bad about their barrels. I’ve read a lot about their accuracy, almost always positive.
I have a ridge line in 300wsm and really like it. It shot two different factory ammo well under Moa. and my hand loads just over 1/2moa out to 450 so far. I did have to send it back but the customer service was outstanding and the covered all shipping. I had the gun back in 3 weeks. It’s not the most refined gun but when you add up all the components to build a similar gun you get a lot for the money. I am happy with mine.

I have an uncle that has a traverse in 300ultra mag. His is very picky which ammo it shoots well but he was able to find a load that shoots well. 200gr accu bonds around 3/4moa.
I sold guns when christiansen arms first started getting hot several years ago. It was not uncommon for customers to have issues with them that would require the rifle to be sent in multiple times. Problems were mostly in the accuracy department, some right off the bat, some would only hold accuracy for a 20 or 30 rounds before they needed cleaning. Similar to the things I hear with problematic carbon fiber barrels these days. But CA appears to have improved. I have a buddy with a couple of them and they shoot lights out, he's had more problems with proof barrels than with his christiansens in the last couple years. I think if you're in the market for a reasonably priced CF barrel rifle and don't want to do custom, CA is a good option. Their customer service was always good, not always the fastest and sometimes it took multiple send ins to get it right but they never made me feel like they were trying to push the problem onto the customer. Obviously, that's just my experience. I can still build a custom off a tikka for less money so I don't own any and don't plan too. 22" steel barrels in the bartlein #3 or Rock Creek #4 just don't come with that much of a weight penalty....hence the reason everything I own is a factory tikka or has a tikka action.
My wife has a Mesa in 6.5 creedmoor and it shoots lights out. I even sneak it out once in a while when she's not looking.
My buddy picked up a Ridgeline in 6.5prc and we are just getting it broke buts shooting sub moa and just starting to get the load dialed in for it. Came in under weight, very good fit and finish and was able to get the trigger down to right at 2.25 lbs with room to go further but no need. Thinking about adding one for myself here soon if things work out
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I have one and had to send it back in. They took care of it quickly. It shoots great and I really like the gun. It does seem like they are having ALLOT of QC issues recently but even with all the reports of issues it seems like they are taking care of the problems.
Purchased a new CA Ridgeline 6.5 PRC a few months ago. Got it home, ran a few patches with Butch's bore shine then patched it dry and looked at the inside with a borescope. YIKES! It was not good, not good at all and looked extremely bad from the throat to the muzzle. Contacted CA and explained how it looked and I wasn't really interested in wasting any ammo/components seeing "if" it will shoot. Even if it did shoot ok it looked like it would be a copper fouling pig. CA said no problem and sent me out a claim ticket to send it back. They sent it back about six weeks later with a new barrel and three different test fired targets from Hornady ammo that showed it shot .3-.4 for them.

When I got it back I cleaned the barrel and scoped it. New barrel was sooooo much better. Mounted a NF NX8 on it and with Hornady 147 ELD-M ammo it shot better than their test targets.

I've been very happy with not only how CA took care of things but how well it shoots.
I had a 300 WSM Ridgeline, I ran it through a barrel break in and it shot sub MOA with factory Nosler ammo. I switched shocks and did a DIY bedding on the new stock, not necessarily because it needed it but because I wanted to. It continued to shoot sub MOA. I messed up an extractor, made a phone call and had a new one in the mail almost immediately. My brother has a 308 Mesa, out of the box he noticed it wasn't completely free floated, he ran some sandpaper over it and no issues. It might be more accurate than my 300 wsm was. Sub 2" at 200 yds for that package and a not seasoned shooter isnt bad. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend CA moving forward. I sold my 300 WSM to help fun my first custom rifle. All this took place from 2018 to present.
My Ridgeline in 28 Nosler puts 180VLDs into .5 MOA all day. Only issue was hitting pressure as I approached 3k with Retumbo and H1000. N570 got me an additional 100fps and great accuracy. The rifle’s fit and finish is great. Pretty pleased so far
This my second ridge line. Both shoot the same which is terrible. Shooting center mass this is my 18 shot group. Multiple things ive done on both guns before complaining. Wasted money on 50+ rounds buying different rings, bases, and scopes. Cleaned like they say on website.
Reloaded 15 recipes between 2 guns which i had to send them my recipes which i thought was weird.
i thought it was me and my ammo so i took another gun out there and made 6 rounds of each load. My other gun shot 1”-1/2” moa depending on load.
I asked for my money back today but all they will do is let me send them back. Im super disappointed in the guns. If I understood them correctly the first one I sent back is getting re barreled. The other i dropped off today. So no clue.
If they read this yes im happy they are atleast willing to work with me. Im not happy that there quality control is so poor.
i lost my cool when my local gun shop said they send 25% back. Thats 1 in 4.
Wish they would have said that before i dropped 4k.


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Bought a ridgeline in 6.5 creedmoor a couple years ago, it's the older style receiver and was on clearance at sportsmans. It sucked. Saw no reason to send it in and wait possibly months, so I took it to a very competent local smith along with the couple hundred I saved on the clearance price. The stock was poorly fitted at the factory, contact with the barrel channel and binding in the magazine area stressing the action when the screws were tightened down. My guy tuned it up and it became spooky accurate. I think they build a good rifle when someone is watching, for the money you'd think they would have some one at the factory look them over before they go out.
Why someone would drop $2500 on something questionable when you can have Alamo Precision build you a custom Maverick package for the same price is beyond me! Custom quality components, with your own stamp on it. No brainer.
Recent target with factory Hornady 147 ammunition out of my Ridgeline in 6.5 Prc. I’ve got a Ridgeline in 300 Prc that shoots just as well with the Hornady factory 212’s.


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Why someone would drop $2500 on something questionable when you can have Alamo Precision build you a custom Maverick package for the same price is beyond me! Custom quality components, with your own stamp on it. No brainer.
Why someone would drop $2500 on something questionable when you can have Alamo Precision build you a custom Maverick package for the same price is beyond me! Custom quality components, with your own stamp on it. No brainer.
Hey, I was wondering if you had personal experience with Alamo? I have been checking them out a little and then saw you mentioned them. Thanks!