What works even better than a kitty is for ONE person (you) to put all the shared expenses on a credit or debit card. Keep track of the receipts and expenses in a small notebook. Tally it up and split it down the middle after the trip. Of course you need to have the talk with your partner and be sure he agrees with it. No arguing. Nobody pays more than their share. Each person is responsible for their own restaurant meals and food.
Anyone who plays cheapskate with me does it once. If we go together again, they'll be paying their way all the way.
We do this if it's a "big" trip. Otherwise it's kind of a free for all. I've had days where I jump in my buddy's truck and ride all day coyote hunting and use his shells because I forgot mine. He's had days where we drive 2 hours to deer hunt on my gas and I buy his dinner. It's not a rule I've made for myself but it just works out that I don't do any trips with anyone I haven't known for 20 years so it's pretty easy for things to take care of themselves. If for some reason I was going on a big trip with people I didn't know well it would all go on one of their cards and I would be asking what my share is and figuring it out before we got home.
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