Extra tuff socks...expensive, but Unconditionally Guaranteed for Life and Made in USA.
Helly Hanson or Grundens Commercial Fishing Rain Gear...mine was purchased in 1989 and still on my boat.
GaiaGPS...inexpensive and covers all states including wildfire perimeters, imagery, ownership parcels, BMA, WPA, topo maps.
InReach for text messages and broadcasting to selected users map location at user selected intervals
Jet sleds...mine have lasted over 15 years hauling firewood all winter long and gear during hunting season.
TAG bags....six-pack (28″ X 60″) that packs to the same volume as one of my old cotton moose bags.
Helly Hanson or Grundens Commercial Fishing Rain Gear...mine was purchased in 1989 and still on my boat.
GaiaGPS...inexpensive and covers all states including wildfire perimeters, imagery, ownership parcels, BMA, WPA, topo maps.
InReach for text messages and broadcasting to selected users map location at user selected intervals
Jet sleds...mine have lasted over 15 years hauling firewood all winter long and gear during hunting season.
TAG bags....six-pack (28″ X 60″) that packs to the same volume as one of my old cotton moose bags.