Trial and error. Most common size is .021. if your shooting Easton nocks I'd try .018.How does one determine the proper size serving vs. nock fit. Is there a chart?
Contact the maker of your current string and asked them what size was used.How does one determine the proper size serving vs. nock fit. Is there a chart?
super easy.... serving and a serving jig, and you can do a pro quality serving job.... learn the basics, and that's about all there is to itHow hard is it to do? I noticed I have a slight separation just below the bottom of my d loop and will be replacing that. Has anyone done it?
I'd add that you set the tension to match the serving size required for the nock you use not what is currently on the string.Measure the current center dia then measure the serving mtl, set the jig tension to match finished dia.
Sweet. Any chance you could post a picture so I have a good idea of the materials used?I made a jig with a boat wench and a 2x6. It’s also my string stretcher and my draw board.