Cash or card?

Card for outfitter fees, just in case you have an issue.

Cash for tips and incidentals. As mentioned, cash is king.
I cant think of a situation where a card would be more useable than cash. Everyone accepts cash.
I've only done the trip once, in 2017, and we took both. Paid for 99% of our expenses with the card.
Edit: Our trip stopped about 40 miles prior to reaching Deadhorse.
Fbks and Coldfoot vendors all accept c/c. Gas is spendy this year, bring the card and have $500 cash for those convenient moments where you know cash is bests. Any small operators prefer cash when possible.
I cant think of a situation where a card would be more useable than cash. Everyone accepts cash.
Not here, many places only except cards. Especially during Covid height, no one was taking cash. I would pay outfitter by card, that way if something goes wrong you have some recourse, cash for various things you will need along the way.
Use cash for pocket money. Use card if possible and get money back, most cards offer that these days.