Carrying Tip Money/TSA

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Flying home through Vegas a few years back.
Got through TSA and was gathering our things and I hear
this guy yelling at one of the agents: "Yes, it's my money
and it's none of your damn business how I got it!!!!"
They let him go cause we saw him walk by after we got
out to our gate.
This is exactly what I have done...within state, between states and internationally. It's always in my carry-on, which is in my possession when traveling.

Just know (and be sure) the limit you can have in possession and any necessary declarations, if any, for the travel you are doing.
Heading to Alaska for Brown Bear tomorrow AM…….I guess I’ll find out in about 9 hours how it goes! In my Carryon with all my hunt and flight documents
Heading to Alaska for Brown Bear tomorrow AM…….I guess I’ll find out in about 9 hours how it goes! In my Carryon with all my hunt and flight documents
You'll be just fine...and an advanced welcome to Alaska! I sincerely wish you the very best for a wonderful adventure!
Government/law enforcement is always looking to confiscate a private citizens cash if they can find any type of excuse. That is a fact so take precautions.
In your original post you said they "found" $500 cash in your glove box. Don't get me wrong freaking out over $500 and being detained is complete BS but they do get their panties in a bunch at borders I've found. I went up to BC last year for a moose hunt. They asked how much cash I had - I told them $3,000 for travel and tips to guides - no further questions and not detained. Depends a lot on your border agent I'm sure but when they find stuff that you didn't mention sometimes that gets people excited.

This whole traveling with a lot of cash makes me a drug dealer is crap. Piss off - I'll carry the money I make however I want!
You had a random, bad experience. Seriously, write it off as if it hadn't happened. As indicated above, keep it below $10K.

A great way to depress/confuse a guide is to tell them you will tip them once you get home or do it via some reversible electronic mechanism like PayPal. Bring cash.
Every interstate traffic stop involves a question about how much cash you have on you....the reason is they want to confiscate cash. I would imagine border crossings are similar.
Yes, I have been asked a few times during different traffic stops about how much $ I soon as the ?'s start I just inform them I will use my 5th amendment rights.
I was sitting at an airport bar last year and this older oil drilling guy from Texas sat down next to me. We started chatting and he was more than willing to tell me about his business. He was coming back from a month in the middle east where he helped with drilling. He worked over there for a month at a time and then came come for a month and did that for years. The Saudis would pay him in cash and him and his coworkers would fly home with duffle bags of cash to avoid paying taxes. He had a bag between his feet and he said it had something like $200,000 in cash in it. Why he would tell a stranger that I do not know, but he was dead serious the whole time. They'd go right through security with it. He said every now and then one of his counterparts would get caught but in general it was a breeze. He was an interesting dude.
I’m not doubting you, but I would bet the guy who told you that story was full of it. First, a carry on full of cash would not make it through TSA unnoticed. And they will seize and question you if you are caught with anything over $10k undeclared. But $200k would find you in a cell with a lot of explaining to do. At the very least you would end up charged with tax evasion, just like Al Capone.
This is just domestic flights:

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has been seizing cash from passengers on domestic flights. Agents seized $209 million in cash from travelers at the 15 busiest airports from 2006 to 2016, according to an investigation by USA Today. Agents seized $82,373 from a passenger, transporting her father's life savings, while boarding a domestic flight, despite no indication of criminal activity or drug use or charges, leading to a lawsuit to get the funds returned.

Over 12 years, agencies have taken $20 billion in cash, securities, other property from drug bosses and Wall Street tycoons as well as "ordinary Americans who have not committed crimes".

In addition, there are more than 400 federal statutes that empower police to take assets from convicted criminals, as well as from persons not charged with criminality.

So, never answer any questions that law enforcement asks you. Provide the documents that you are required to provide but answer no questions.....and make sure they understand that you are evoking your 5th amendment rights so not answering the ?'s does not cast suspicion on you.

The innocent ? do you know why I stopped you is a request for you to admit guilt so you cannot claim innocence later at a trial.....etc.
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Laws are written to only benefit the rich. But we love to bow down. Carry on.
Laws are written to only benefit the rich. But we love to bow down. Carry on.
Well, in this case.....more like to not benefit the rich......i.e. carrying large sums of money. What a sad state of affairs when we can't even carry our own money around with us without threat of seizure from the King's men. I could have sworn that we didn't live in a monarchy, but the last few years have quickly dismissed that notion.
Every interstate traffic stop involves a question about how much cash you have on you.....
I've never had any interaction with law enforcement of any type that asked how much cash I had with me, including international.

Not saying it doesn't happen, but "every interstate traffic stop" seems wildly inaccurate.

I went through Canada with $7500 and Costa Rica with $4000 and fly domestically with a couple grand in the carry on pretty regularly. Nobody ever says boo about it.
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