Carry Gun for Fishing


Dec 3, 2016
Not planning on it lol. Just better safe than sorry. A few years ago two guys got in an argument during a drug deal on a back road. One guy shot the other guy and then cut his body up with a chainsaw, threw the parts in the creek and burned the car about a mile away. This was a creek that I fish from time to time and is only about 5 miles from my house. It would've been a very unfortunate evening to be fishing on that creek and run into that guy. Just saying crazy things happen. And sure, I've been a little paranoid since then.

Here's the story if you don't believe me...

Yeah I would've wanted more than a 380 if I was fishing there that night.

I don't doubt it. There was a double murder a few miles from my rural home recently. We have a non-existent crime rate. All my preparations for defense are just a hobby. Something like that won't happen again in my lifetime.

Something like that happened five miles from your house and you didn't even need to shot someone that time, either. I'm not arguing against carrying. I carry a .44 mag in your situation. I'm just saying it isn't worth putting yourself out to do, because the odds of it being necessary are practically zero.


May 8, 2014
I carry when I fish too. The biggest predator I may encounter would be a cougar. I carry more for peace of mind than anything. 2 legged predators are probably the biggest danger

The only thing I've had to shoot that was a danger to me was a really sick racoon. He wasn't foaming at the mouth but he came right at me. I don't know if he had distemper or something worse. The 357 put him down.

I usually carry either a 357 revolver or Ruger P97 45 when fishing. I have a really nice light little 5 shot S&W revolver I can carry. The river I fish is sandy as heck and the wind can blow sand everywhere. The Ruger 45 is really easy to take down and clean up when I get home so I end up packing it a lot anymore. I shoot Hornady +P 230gr HP ammo through it. The short barreled 357 I use 110gr JHP ammo and the longer barrel 357's I like a 158gr JSP. They tougher bullets don't open the best in the 3" gun.