Carolina Boy


Aug 7, 2018
South Carolina
Been wanting to head out west for awhile and someone put me on this site a few days ago. I'm from midlands of SC and chasing ducks is my main focus. The furthest west Ive gone is annual trips to AR for fat greenheads. Been trying to get a plan to go chase something out there but can never get any buddies to commit. My plan is to solo it this year. Either try for and OTC tag for mulie/cow elk somewhere or a pronghorn in WY. I feel pretty confident that with equipment I have and knowledge I could get a deer or goat broken down and out on my own but feel a little overwhelmed with a elk. I'm focusing more on Wyoming and a goat as first trip. Planning to take my old sharps 45/70 and a ruger no1 243. Would love to kill one with the sharps but after a few days may have to resort to a little longer range with the 243. Looking more for a learning experience and be perfectly happy with a doe and honestly if I get tag soup, I'm fine with that too. Been reading up on lots of units as well as some muzzleloader and pistol ones. From my understanding, I can apply for any antelope tag and have backup for doe/fawn. That way if I don't get drawn I can get a point but stull get to go hunt something. Unlike most I'm sure that's goal is an big ol bull elk, I really wanna shoot a mulie. Id have to build a bigger house to have somewhere to hang an elk lol I'm sure I'll be full of questions soon and bear with my ignorance. Don't have much to offer you fellas for any help but if ya'll want a gator in sc or need some info on ducks in AR I'll be more than happy to help.
This isn't the phoneman, by chance is it?

I'm not in WY, but I'd be happy to help you out in New Mexico if you want to head this way.

If you're a gamecock fan, consider the offer retracted ;)
You caught me! Im gonna head somewhere out there. NM isnt out of question either. From reading it seems kinda hard to draw a tag there. We will have to chat on FB and give me some pointers. Anything in season there while the ducks are flying? Make a twofer
This year will be my second WY Pronghorn hunt. My buddy and I actually have buck and doe Antelope tags and a Muley Tag this year. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.