Canon EOS T6i

It's old technology. It is no longer made. Not since October. Some stores are stuck with it. You can get the Canon T7i for slightly more. Better sensor and processor. The new Sony A6400 is a much better option, as is the Canon M50

Feel free to call me tomorrow at 516-217-1000 to discuss the options
I have one and like it. However I dont kkow enough about cameras or photography to probably tell a difference between the t6i or the t7. It does what i ask it to and thats takes clear pictures. Here are a couple taken with my t6i20170826122033_IMG_4084.JPG20171217203129_IMG_4455.JPG20181023_205456.jpg
All the shots here are excellent. Feel free to call me with any questions about photography if there is anything you need to know