Canol Outfitters


Aug 5, 2023
whitehorse, YT
in a free economy we are the outfitters can ask what they want and people can choose to pay or not that amount of money ...

im pretty sure in the days of pack horses for 28 days that was not for the blue collars ...

we all dreamed about oconnor adventures in the north and only a few walk let alone where he went ...

i took the choice to come here in the yukon to live that life for the time i can and i will say the same for the people that were not born in alaska or in the yukon or northern bc. we are paying the price to live year long ...

on that i wish you all good luck for the fall season coming soon and do really wish that you will have all good experiences with good outfitters.


Aug 5, 2023
whitehorse, YT
What makes you think Canadian Dalls aren’t suffering as well?
Agree on Yukon. Talked to a disgruntled group at the Sheep Camp bar in Whitehorse last summer and the rough winters were to blame they said. Another outfitter said same and another at sheep show last weekend said the middle of the territory's concessions had it pretty rough. Still seems like the NWT had their same high success though.
of course there is no issues at all in the yukon. more seriously they are starting to reduce access and hunt but even with the small amount hunters coming how long will it take before too late ...