Canada Border And 2020 US Hunters

I had a lot of stuff already on the calendar for summer 2021, and with how everything has went around uncertainty throughout this year, I re-booked my July 2020 sheep hunt to July 2022, and from the opener to the second session so I can potentially add on a caribou. It really sucks being my first one, and having to wait two more years after booking in 2018, but Tav at Arctic Red has been a total pro throughout the entire process. I know the outfitters up there tried really hard to make something happen and weren't getting a ton of support from the government, and on a recent podcast for the Wild Sheep Society of BC, Clay Lancaster alluded to the fact that if closures push into 2021, the outfitters might take a more aggressive tack with the government to get something in place.

Being in my younger 30's, definitely feel for the older guys that are getting pushed out or jerked around by other outfitters around re-booking.
Sadly I don’t see the current Lieberal federal government or the current NDP provincial government wanting to help anyone involved with guns or hunting. The POS NDP banned the grizzly hunt and even said it wasn’t a science-based decision so you can imagine they don’t want to help us.
I had a lot of stuff already on the calendar for summer 2021, and with how everything has went around uncertainty throughout this year, I re-booked my July 2020 sheep hunt to July 2022, and from the opener to the second session so I can potentially add on a caribou. It really sucks being my first one, and having to wait two more years after booking in 2018, but Tav at Arctic Red has been a total pro throughout the entire process. I know the outfitters up there tried really hard to make something happen and weren't getting a ton of support from the government, and on a recent podcast for the Wild Sheep Society of BC, Clay Lancaster alluded to the fact that if closures push into 2021, the outfitters might take a more aggressive tack with the government to get something in place.

Being in my younger 30's, definitely feel for the older guys that are getting pushed out or jerked around by other outfitters around re-booking.

Where you asked to pay a rollover fee for your rebooked hunt
Tough times for sure. Bad part about it is these are uncharted waters. Not in every situation but in most these outfitters have you by the balls. They have all of the money and we have little leverage. If they go out of business we lose our money so whatever terms they ask most need to comply. Hunting contracts have been vague for a long long time and there has been little reason to dispute for a change. I think moving forward you will see a huge change. Especially between international clients and outfitters.
Where you asked to pay a rollover fee for your rebooked hunt

No I was not, but I did pay off my hunt completely for what it's worth. I feel like hunt prices in NWT/Yukon have been going up 8-10%+ per year which is far outpacing inflation or inputs and would guess it based on demand so I'd definitely push back on any fees unless it was something completely out of the question like 3 or 4 years from now. I felt like I was probably doing my outfitter a solid by asking to go to 2022 instead of 2021.
No I was not, but I did pay off my hunt completely for what it's worth. I feel like hunt prices in NWT/Yukon have been going up 8-10%+ per year which is far outpacing inflation or inputs and would guess it based on demand so I'd definitely push back on any fees unless it was something completely out of the question like 3 or 4 years from now. I felt like I was probably doing my outfitter a solid by asking to go to 2022 instead of 2021.

I was flexible and offered 2022 and 2023 as an option. I got an email that my dates were changed and there was a fee no discussion. I didn’t press to be rescheduled right away and I paid full price for my hunt on time in good faith. I had been transparent and been in contact intermittently with my outfitter since Covid started. Offering even back in March and April to move my hunt as things looked grim. I’m a little chapped if you can’t tell because I’ve been trying to prevent this exact thing from happening since this past winter.

What I will say is the Yukon and NWT governments were much more clear about the plan forward with the closure than the BC government.
I’m looking for opinions from guys who were supposed to be going on guided hunts in Canada in 2020. My hunt as everyone’s has been cancelled. My outfitter has made it happen that my hunt will be moved to 2021. I am very appreciative of that. My question is he is now asking for a rollover fee. It is not a cheap rollover fee either. Is anyone else experiencing this? I realize Covid has affected us all. I will say for a once in a lifetime hunt that I have been planning for years that the luster of the whole thing has faded. This was a huge monetary sacrifice for my family. To ask me for another check as a rollover fee/penalty I don’t find that to be fair.
Read your contract. I bet it doesn’t specify what the remedy is for either party, should the hunt not happen. You will have standing to move forward without a rollover fee if there is no mention of it. However, the outfitter can argue it is a new hunt date therefore there are new fees. Tough to know how to handle it better than a complete refund or pay the rollover and move on. You can choose another option if you want to push it….. just intimidate him after you pay the rollover fee and after the hunt, by telling him he will be paying your guides with that bullshit rollover fee and that your guides are aware he’s holding part of their pay with that fee.
We are still waiting to hear what Canada is going to do. Unfortunately their snowflake in charge is enjoying his power grab so much, I have my doubts as to him opening up the border for Fall hunting.
We are still waiting to hear what Canada is going to do. Unfortunately their snowflake in charge is enjoying his power grab so much, I have my doubts as to him opening up the border for Fall hunting.

Agreed he has lied every step of the way using his citizens safety as a push off point for his power trip.

Science and experts are not guiding Canada’s position. Polls are. Through fear they have elicited the public response they wanted.

Then you get a glimmer of hope the border may open up because they announce talks. But let’s be real the Canadian Budget was even set up in a way to account for only internal tourism over the summer. My guess is the borders are not opening until after Labor Day. This will all be for Canada’s safety so they can be protected from
the Nunavut Shanghai Fargo Variant that could potentially cause two people to get sick.
Got an email from a friend in Quebec that says he thinks the US may open the border later this month To people who are vaccinated. Canadians that travel will be required to quarantine upon return. He thinks Canada will not allow travel until later this year. He notes they are still way behind on vaccinations Relative to the US.
Just judging by the fact that there are still Provincial closures, there is no way in my opinion for a opening of the international border for a couple months until after Provincial closures are lifted. I've been tracking this because we planned to drive to Alaska last year and have cancelled for this year as well. The climate is closures, not opening up.

If anyone needs a vaccination card, pm me. I've got a pile of yellow sticky notes on my desk. For a measly $50, I will send you 1 - vaccination sticky note, with made up vaccination date and my signature. You also get 1 - Mr Yuck (old green/black frown face) sticker that says I've been vaccinated.
Just judging by the fact that there are still Provincial closures, there is no way in my opinion for a opening of the international border for a couple months until after Provincial closures are lifted. I've been tracking this because we planned to drive to Alaska last year and have cancelled for this year as well. The climate is closures, not opening up.

There is slight talk that end of August would be the earliest and a possibility. I hope enough pressure is put on them to do that for at least Sep Seasons to be salvaged. I just have this feeling they will wait till all major travel holidays from the summer season have ended.
There is slight talk that end of August would be the earliest and a possibility. I hope enough pressure is put on them to do that for at least Sep Seasons to be salvaged. I just have this feeling they will wait till all major travel holidays from the summer season have ended.

Agreed, we needed to be through the border mid to late June to make it a good trip, but feel strongly that even July or August are unlikely given that they are behind their vax goals, the current restrictions and closures within country and public sentiment. Who knows what that will mean for Aug/Sept sheep hunters and moose hunters. Bad position sheep/moose hunters are in, but I agree that it won't open for summer.