Tipping for 2 on 1 hunt

Jul 24, 2015
My buddy and I are on a 2 on 1 guided hunt in Canada. I tagged out on day 2, my buddy is still hunting on day 5.
My question is how to tip for a 2 on 1 hunt? Should we each tip like it was 1:1 or should our combined to be what a guide would get for a single hunter split between us (with likely a little more for taking care of two hunters)?
Is there a rule of thumb?
I start at 10% as a min and go up from there. Has nothing to do with whether I fill my tag and everything to do about service and experience. Been pretty lucky to have some good experiences that landed around 20-25%
Would be interesting to know if the 20% thing applies to hunts like sheep? Are dudes really tipping 20k on a 100k stone sheep hunt?

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Would be interesting to know if the 20% thing applies to hunts like sheep? Are dudes really tipping 20k on a 100k stone sheep hunt?

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Also curious, but wouldn't be surprised either way. The type of people dropping $100k on a hunt probably aren't sweating an additional $20k.