Can not sight in new accura Mr-x (advice needed)

I just wasn’t thinking of dialing with a muzzy and figured most use a BDC for em
No, most of us with scopes on our muzzys are not using “muzzy” scopes or those with BDC reticles.

I wouldn’t waste my money on a cheap (sub $300) scope. You couldn’t give me a cheap Burris or any Vortex. Check out the Trijicon Huron - affordable and tough.

You’ll save yourself a lot of trouble if you read this. No scopes are impervious to failing but basically the only ones that don’t fail OFTEN are nightforce, swfa, and some trijicons. Below is a running list somebody made of scopes that have been proven.

What scope would you recommend? I can’t see myself buying a nightforce or anything crazy unless it was something like a paramount pro that I knew I’d be shooting 300+ yards with. Being my first season with a muzzy, maybe I don’t appreciate it enough yet but I’m sure I will if I see some bucks this holiday hunt/season. It’s definitely another weapon & advantage that a lot of hunters don’t utilize up here in the Northeast as much as say, the Midwest. I will say, if I drew a Kansas or Iowa, or any western state mulie/elk tag I probably would immediately go for the best optic I could afford and go beyond the “muzzleloader” directed scopes and get something like another razor LHT or VX3-HD at minimum. I just wasn’t thinking of dialing with a muzzy and figured most use a BDC for em
More budget minded:
-Trijicon huron
-If you got a few months wait for the SWFA fixed 6x that they say will be restocked in Q1 and/or the 3-9x. Or find a used one that isn't over priced.

If you're talking razor LHT level of money:
-Other trijicon models at various price points
-Maven RS1.2 (not any other models)
-Nightforce SHV models
-Used Bushnell LRTS / LRHS

Other scope might work okay and/or for minute of deer shots but you're dealing with a fair bit of recoil and already have a question mark on confidence in the system, buying a scope that is hit/miss doesn't answer any questions if you end up still shooting a shotgun pattern. You'll be asking if you got a bad sample of a new scope or if the gun is the issue. The above scopes aren't infallible they are just statistically far less likely to introduce questions into your setup.
I’m fairly new to (serious) muzzleloading so I’m no expert but I do know that they’re super finicky shooting a mismatch of powders/sabots. I would pick one type of powder and one type of sabot (especially same weight) to shoot consistently with to get zero and go hunting for your muzzleloader season

Also when I sighted mine in a few weeks ago I had sabots flying all over the place and I wasted a bunch of powder before I realized I wasn’t pushing the sabot down far enough so make sure when you’re seating the sabot tight against the powder but you’re using pellets so it would be easier to tell when it’s fully seated against the pellets I would think

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I Agree, make sure you are fully seated. Everything with a muzzleloader must be exact each time or you can get a wide range of results. Good Luck Hunting!
Have you tried taking the scope off and shooting open sights?

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I would have suggested that off the get go but his photo showed no front sight on the gun and I’m not sure if it’s drilled/tapped? I purchased a model with sights so no clue how the others came.
Looks like your rifle didn't come with iron sights. I would try a red dot of some type, I have the Sig Romeo 5 on mine. Pretty sure that the lead sled rattled something loose inside the scope as others have said. Mark your ramrod when you have seated the bullet firmly and then verify each time that you are seating to the same place, very critical. Consistency is critical.
I would have suggested that off the get go but his photo showed no front sight on the gun and I’m not sure if it’s drilled/tapped? I purchased a model with sights so no clue how the others came.
I checked out the rail version Accura mr-x in a store the other day, and it looked the same (drilled and tapped front and rear) as my peep sight variant. I'm guessing it's the same barrel and just different configurations between the rail or peep.

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I’m swapping the scope and gonna give it a go again. Almost out of powder so gotta run to asspro. Might just grab the BH209 to rule out the dented breech plug as well. I’m 100% getting a Trijicon accupoint or credo hx 2.5-10 once I sell this acog. Yall got me convinced I need something that can withstand a drop test considering the heavier recoil. Not that I’m recoil sensitive at all, but that was the first time my shoulder has felt a tingle in a long while and I shoot a 7 rem for deer and 300 for elk. Definitely feels close to my 12G turkey gun with the ol magnum loads, haha. Speaking of magnums, I might throw on a brake and go to a magnum load for next year when I get a nicer scope. I wouldn’t mind the 400fps increase as long as I have a decent durable scope with some eye relief

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Brakes were a fad for a while but they are so dang loud and they throw crap everywhere in a prone position. Not good for hunting or precision shooting. A good fitting Limbsaver recoil pad will make a big difference. We can’t use scopes in our state but a lightweight, shorter type of scope carries well. I am new to MZ hunting, but built a few good shooting CF rifles. Most of the issues I have had with scopes is the mounting.
Well, I got a Christmas gift from myself. Could not believe this stuff cost $98! I hope it’s worth it. I know it’ll save me some time between cleanings for sure. I swapped scope and got this so that should eliminate any issues with the dented qrbp (normal pellet breech plug), and the Nikon scope. Yall got me sold on getting a Trijicon now but not sure yet which model. I love the center dot lit reticle and green is better for my eyes so I’m thinking that accupoint 2-10x56 mil dot hunter reticle. I researched them a bit and found the Huron actually uses the same components and glass as the higher end ones but lacks the battery/tritium and saves $200-$300. If it had one more hash mark I’d be able to get 250 out of it but my loads should be a bit hotter now using the BH so it might work. Then the credo hx. I love the credo line but don’t like the way the reticle lights up so although discontinued I’m leaning towards the accupoint if I can find one in a few months… so has anyone had experience with any of those 3?
Also what is a good amount of powder to use and what fps range should I expect?
Thank you all for the valuable advice and knowledge to a noob muzzleloader hunter, it doesn’t go unappreciated.

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So with the swapped scope and switching breech plug and powder to Blackhorn 209.. and using a boresighter, I am on paper and close to zero. When I don’t adjust, shots are touching with the boredrivers at 60 yards. Only have until Tuesday to get out and kill one (or 3 because I have a ton of tags left) so I’m going to finish sighting in tomorrow at 100 barring any setbacks. I’m going to make a new post for optic choice but I’m currently looking at the Trijicon line and maven line. The Trijicon accupoint is the one I really want but seem harder to find. In regards to the 56mm objective, it does seem rather large but I love it because it’ll let in tons of light and for some reason the smaller objective version goes to 12X and cost around $300 more (make it make sense). The 2 maven options are definitely a smaller objective and do not have a lit reticle but are still made in Japan like the Trijicons. I love maven optics as you get a lot for the $ with them due to direct to consumer sales. The FFP RS1.2 3-15 looks like an almost perfect optic for multiple uses but a bit to much for a muzzleloader that will likely see a 250 yard max shooting distance. That Huron looks like a steal at the under $500 price tag as well.
I can definitely feel a bit more recoil with the Blackhorn loads. I started with 70G by weight (100 by volume) and stuck with it because of how well it’s shooting and not a lot of time to get this in the woods. The 6 shots I took felt like a dozen shots with the white hots, lol. I really need a chrono by this summer so I can confirm the ballistics 100% but feel like these are moving faster now than with the IMRs.

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So I just got my knight ML a few weeks ago, had quite a bit of help from ElDiablito with a few things (dudes sharp). I pulled my bp and bolt, made sure my rear sight was centered, looked down the barrel and aimed it at a spot on my bow target in the yard, then looked through the peep and put it where it was about 3 inches higher than the center of barrel. Shot it off a tripod and reaper rest at 25 yards for the first time to make sure it was on paper, liked where it was, went back an and shot at 100. One group off the tripod and a diff one prone on a bag. Huntable out to 100 without ever turning a screw.

That’s got to be a scope issue, which sounds like you’re addressing. But as mentioned be consistent, same bullet, same powder charge, same seating pressure. See what kind of group you can get without adjusting anything


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So with the swapped scope and switching breech plug and powder to Blackhorn 209.. and using a boresighter, I am on paper and close to zero. When I don’t adjust, shots are touching with the boredrivers at 60 yards. Only have until Tuesday to get out and kill one (or 3 because I have a ton of tags left) so I’m going to finish sighting in tomorrow at 100 barring any setbacks. I’m going to make a new post for optic choice but I’m currently looking at the Trijicon line and maven line. The Trijicon accupoint is the one I really want but seem harder to find. In regards to the 56mm objective, it does seem rather large but I love it because it’ll let in tons of light and for some reason the smaller objective version goes to 12X and cost around $300 more (make it make sense). The 2 maven options are definitely a smaller objective and do not have a lit reticle but are still made in Japan like the Trijicons. I love maven optics as you get a lot for the $ with them due to direct to consumer sales. The FFP RS1.2 3-15 looks like an almost perfect optic for multiple uses but a bit to much for a muzzleloader that will likely see a 250 yard max shooting distance. That Huron looks like a steal at the under $500 price tag as well.
I can definitely feel a bit more recoil with the Blackhorn loads. I started with 70G by weight (100 by volume) and stuck with it because of how well it’s shooting and not a lot of time to get this in the woods. The 6 shots I took felt like a dozen shots with the white hots, lol. I really need a chrono by this summer so I can confirm the ballistics 100% but feel like these are moving faster now than with the IMRs.

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Glad you got it running!