Camping with kids

The Harbor Master

Apr 17, 2022
SW Idaho
I just asked my oldest (8.5) and middle (7) what they think. My 7 said "idk, give them candy." LOL. My 8.5 said "do fun crafts, like find wood or rocks and paint them. Or build little houses with sticks." My youngest (3) just said "um, I dunno. Play?"

There ya go, straight from the source!


Jun 15, 2020
There’s a lot of good tips so far. Ours have camped since they were infants and are now teens. Go with the quick to set, quick to pack dome tent and insulated air mattresses. You don’t want to spend all of your time setting and breaking camp while trying to keep an eye on them. We did keep a pack and play in the tent, especially for nap time and make sure the zippers are out of reach.

Start close to home, and campgrounds such as state parks are ideal. Playgrounds are fun. Showers are super helpful with the littles, especially if you have a blow out. Short hikes and let them explore the world around them. The littlest things can captivate them.

Precooked or easy to heat meals to simplify cooking time. Hot chocolate, s’mores, hotdogs, and pancakes are all easy hits. Mine liked cooking bannock bread over the fire too.

Good on you for wanting to get them out there. Start small, and the more simple you keep things, the more you’ll get to enjoy your time with them.


Feb 29, 2012
We’ve been taking ours since they were pretty young.

-Air mattresses seems to work best for sleeping and playing if it happens to rain.
-Hammocks, we spent a bunch of time playing and napping in those when they were little.
-Glow Sticks
-Fishing rods
-Lots and lots of snacks
-We swing by the dollar store and get random projects or activities to do (coloring books, paint kits, airplane kits and stuff like that)
-we camp near a river quite a bit so I’ll take down “special” rocks and hide them. Kids have spent a lot of time wading around finding them.
-Bikes when they got older

It’s more work than fun at times but nothing beats being outdoors with the family. Enjoy!


Jan 24, 2014
Wow! My parents really missed the mark with camping and kids. We didn’t have any of the stuff that we apparently needed to enjoy a great experience. But here I am continuing to enjoy the outdoors after all.

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Apr 8, 2019
We have a 10x14 kodiax canvas, it's great for family camping. Be aware: tent pads in some campgrounds won't accommodate the 10x14, so check that if reserving camp sites; they are a beast to transport if you have to pack them up wet or covered in snow. But they go up as easy or easier than free standing tents, they can withstand wind or storms well, and there is enough room to move around if stuck inside. A couple moving blankets makes the floor more comfortable.

Air mattresses can be comfy, but are colder to sleep on. The z lite sol sleeping pads are near bomb proof for kiddos jumping and climbing around on, and insulate you from the ground.

If it's going to rain, a 12x12 tarp and a couple poles rigged up at the end of the awning give you space to move around outside of the tent.

Hiking trails, walking beaches, fishing ponds, all those types of things are fun for the kids, try to camp at areas with those types of things. Keep them warm and dry, and have plenty of snacks!

A small foldable table, coleman stove, and couple of cast iron skillets provide most of our meals, but practice at home if you're not used to cooking that way. Shake and pour pancakes are pretty easy. Oatmeal with DIY toppings is fast and easy. Hot dogs and smores over the fire are always a hit, some retractable smores "sticks" from Amazon live in our cook kit.

Amazon helinox knock-offs take up a lot less space when packing chairs for everyone. Bag chairs will fill the back of the truck fast.
Feb 2, 2020
I have a 1.5 year old and a 5 year old. We have a trip planned soon so we set up camp in the backyard as a test run. The kids played all day in the tent with some trucks. They loved it.

We have cots for me and my wife. We have a pack and play for the 1.5 year old and will do a small air mattress for the 5 year old. We have the same 10x14 kodiak. I do need to get my 5 year old a sleeping bag snd will probably get one of those flannel lined square bags

We are also taking a buddy heater

If you get the Disco Bed cots for you and your wife you can make it into a couch during the day to free up play space in the tent in case it’s raining.
Jan 1, 2022
I set my tent up for my 4 year old in the back yard and he was game until it was time to sleep IN the the tent. All of a sudden it was "all done tent" and he wanted back in the house lol
Jun 25, 2020
Arvada, CO
A few things that my kids and our camping companions kids have enjoyed: picking dandelions, racing sticks and leaves down a 2 foot wide creek, helping to find kindling for the fire, searching for cool rocks, pinecones, flowers, etc., picking a willow branch for me to cut for roasting smores, finding deer, elk, moose poop, climbing logs. I've seen so many kids squeal with delight over catching 6 inch trout, even the ones that don't want to touch them.

I've found it pretty easy to keep kids entertained while camping, they'll have fun exploring the world with you. Extra clothes are a must, but as long as they are warm at night they don't need a deluxe sleeping pad. Look up Funky Flames or Colorful Flames on Amazon. They turn the campfire different colors and the kids love it. We just wait until after we cook smores.

I used to throw a camp blanket on the ground in the shade so my kids and dog could have an afternoon nap. I'd sit next to them with a beer while they slept and enjoyed the solitude. Take them out and have fun.


Jan 25, 2017
Not sure what state yer in but there is usually all kinds of unused or barely used camping gear on Craigslist for a fraction of the cost. I got an almost new barely used Kodiak flexbow 10x14 for $375.


Dec 4, 2016
Southern Nevada
- Pack and play for the 1.5 year old is great, I would bring some plastic clips and clamp blankets to the outside to give them some more insulation, then a normal blanket in the pack n play with them.

- Another vote for the Exped Mega Mats, they’re definitely are worth it if you can swing it.

- Make sure your air mattresses have a quick deflate valve. You can use a battery powered pump to inflate faster, but you’ll hate tearing down camp if you’re trying to deflate through a beach ball style bite valve.

- I bought a “truck shovel” to keep in the vehicle, and it’s my kids’ favorite camping toy. Sturdy enough to be a useful tool for you, but small enough for them to use to explore. Not a e-tool or something terribly complicated.

- OXO Travel Potty is a lifesaver, especially for kids who are potty training or going through potty training and especially for girls. Light enough that it goes in my daypack, and it’s also a blessing on car trips, especially out west.


Sep 6, 2016
Before April 2023 i spent 1 night camping out in the backyard with my then 3 year old son as a adult. Since them i have spend 15-20 nights camping/Backpacking with my kids scouts. Here are my tips

-At First keep it simple 1 night close maybe back yard, Have your kids gear be very warm, Last spring i camped with my Daughter(she was 7) and it diped into the 40s, she was over in my bag snugling in the middle of the night
-Keep them fed well, Snacks, easy foods to prepare so they eat, Camp outs arent the place to try need foods for the first time, Keep them well fed
-Kiss concept applies for everything, Keep it simple stupid, Dont over think it, Kids like to be kids, Your kids are currently younger but let them be kids, explore, snap branches get dirty by them selves when they are older
-As others said plenty of extra cloths layers ect, warm dry kids are happy kids, iv seen many campouts in my cub pack that the kids walks through mud and the parents didnt pack extra socks or shoes and they left early.
-Look at outdoor boys youtube channel at older videos, he camped with his youngers kids, from warm to cold, good ideas to take
-Most camping stuff will go on sale, Figure out what you need and buy it when on sale, Seirra trading post, Rei outlet, rokslide classified, Facebook marketplace
-Last when your kids get older look into scouting(they can join at kindergarten) it will keep them out doors with like minded people, The Bsa gets a bad rep from the wrongdoings of years past but its a good program.
Nov 3, 2017
Right on!

Our oldest is 6 and youngest is 2.5 and we have tent camped numerous times a year since they were all infants. We have an Arctic oven I bought when the first was born that is perfect. Depending where you live and the climate, an enclosed rain/shade/bug protection canopy is handy. An obvious one is that tent will be cooking during nap time. If you have no trees for shade, plan a way to keep the tent a reasonable temp during nap. Edit: x2 on wood working clamps for the pack and play. Depending on how much your kids are sensitive to sleeping with light, can clamp blankets on for a little extra blackout effect.

When your oldest is ready for a bag, the Big Agnes wolverine is the ticket. Make a BIG deal about it and hopefully kids will take to getting to sleep in their own bag like a pig to mud. Plenty of options for the little one, but the Morrison Outdoors down sleep sacks worked best for us. No cots for us. We lay a thick wool blanket on the floor and have several inflatable camping pads. Doubles and singles depending on age, temp, etc. Might switch to bunk cots for boys when they’re older.

We have a black and yellow tote (the one with like 10 inch sides) that I put a bag of sandbox sand in and the boys put whatever toys they want in. Easy to load and packs nicely. Usually monster trucks and plastic digging tools. A few ideas that may be borderline for your oldest but great in the short years ahead: A set of 3 wood files with the plastic handles will keep my oldest busy for two weeks straight without stopping for food or water. Rock paint markers. We play a ton of Bocce ball so we bring a few lighter plastic balls for the kids. Bikes and helmets.

Good luck and get after it. I get fired up when I see people tent camping with real little kids! Those are the real ones and my type of people!

Edit: picture for funIMG_6160.jpeg
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Dec 8, 2021
When my kids were that age, my wife and I brought separate tents camping so we could split the kids up and get some sleep.

little camp chairs for them was also a good buy.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
Good time to start them camping. Just keep up with it. They’ll have fun as long as you do.

Rich M

Jun 14, 2017
As long as BSA stopped the gay scoutleaders and allowing girls, might be an option.

I did scouts for several years. Unkept promises and a touchy feely scout leader (dad took care of that while 2 cops tried to hold him back —1970’s) got me out of it.

We used to camp hunt fish anyway, i could last on survivor but am not nearly as interesting as the folks they choose.


Jan 24, 2014
Don’t over think it. These are my 7 & 3 year olds coming out of the BWCAW at the last portage. (The only rail portage) After a 4 day canoe trip that included diapers, bears, fishing, swimming, and lots of smores and gorp. Fun was had by all and all continue to enjoy the outdoors 24 years later.
And leave the pack and play at home. Ya got em zipped into a tent. Where are they gonna go?

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Jun 9, 2019
We’ve been doing it for 3 years with our now 6 & 4 year old (so close to same ages).

We use a Kodiak 12x12 with a stove. A surprise to me is the stove is an “entertaining” element I didn’t expect. They use it for s’mores and help with wood etc.

I’ve used a buddy heater for heat too but still don’t fully trust it (never had an issue just the CO thought hard to shake).

We use the kids disco bunks. My kids are just starting to get to the age they will actually sleep in them vs with us. Normally we have a folding padded “couch” too for some extra space to spread them out.

We bought them cheap 30deg bags (NF I believe) and they have kept them warm to below that temp. With their onsey fleece pjs they stay warmer than us normally.

Boredom is biggest issue. Have a plan. Keep trips reasonable and short. We’ve done 3 days at this point. Even for my ages we are all ready to leave by the end.
Oct 3, 2017
Anchorage, AK
Pack 225 additional pieces of every type of clothing they wear. Being warm and dry is tantamount to having fun for the kids. Water and mud are fun and seem to attract them like magnets. We had good luck with these suits for rain/wet gear.
Finding those Oakiwear suits when my kids were little was the single greatest trick we added to the toolbox for outdoor adventures with the munchkins. And +1000 to bringing an absurd amount of wardrobe for the kids, especially if there's any chance of them getting wet. And you never can bring too many wet wipes.

OP, since you're truck camping, instead of cots like I've seen mentioned a few times here, I would recommend going and buying a king mattress 3-4" memory foam topper from Costco. It'll be just about as comfy as your bed at home and will insulate from the cold ground crazy good. I just use 55gal contractor bags to roll it up and store it. Bulky, but hands down the best tent sleeping solution when weight and bulk aren't a concern.


Jan 10, 2022
Id suggest the 12x16 kodiak with kids... that will provide plenty of space inside incase the weather is crap during the day.. i have the 12x12 with the 8x8 enclosed awning with 3 kids and wife its not as much room as u would think...