Camper vs cargo

I would say you would better off with buying an old camper and doing a reno. from my experiences with both old and new I prefer old. new fiberglass looks nice but in time they delaminate and you get bubbles that cannot be easily fixed, one of the reasons you find more fiberglass trailer for sale. old ones are easier to tear apart and rebuild and if you're not afraid of work they can be modded easily. a buddy of mine had a glass side camper and the walls were just foam board with no real support, all we could do was glue new interior wood and hope it held.
doing a trailer is a nice idea but you will still have to source all the same parts and design it to make the family happy. I decided to buy mine because besides being lazy lol I know that I can easily rebuild it at a later time. on a side note, pull outs are nice but add more problems like seals, motors and tracks so depending on what you require understand there are tradeoffs- more room more problems. plus some campgrounds don't allow pullouts.
I think either way you go it will be a wash as far as cost but I never did my build so I could be wrong, I just wanted to do it because I thought it would be cool lol
I recently purchased a new travel trailer with the intent to rent it out to help pay for it. I wouldnt have bought one otherwise cause they are built like junk. They fall apart on paved roads let alone dirt…. I also wouldnt rent to anyone taking it out for hunting. I will take it out for hunting occasionally, but its mine and I will treat it right. Used or new, they break easily. If you get one, plan on fixing it constantly.

Whats the purpose for you?
Strictly hunting?
Cargo or rugged trailer you build.
Family outings and occasional hunting? Maybe a travel trailer.

I bought a trailer for the wife n young kids for a few “camping” trips we do every year. Hunting in it was an ulterior motive and I only know a few hunts I would even use it on. I still plan on backpacking 99% of the time.
This is the overlooked question...

We have a new camper trailer, and I'm still about to buy a cargo trailer to partially build out.
Two different animals in my opinion. If you need something for the family, you need an RV. Cargo trailers are awesome but don't have much in the way of comforts that a wife would typically want.

My dad, brother and I built out a cargo trailer after It was hailed on and we used the insurance money to buy a new one. It is awesome to roll up to elk camp. Set a couple of jacks, back the 4 wheelers out and have camp all set up. You can get as fancy or simple as you want for a cargo trailer but whatever you do make sure you get the "contractor grade" or similar package of trailer. They are typically beefier and build to last.
We have a Northern Light truck camper. 8 years old and looks good and a pleasure for me to take to AZ for 4-6 weeks in the winter. Wife loves camping in it around BC and down in the US in Oct - Dec while bird hunting. It is heavy, but well built camper that is 4-season as well.

But it is large for overgrown roads. Also too valuable to beat 60 km back in on logging roads to go bear hunting every week in the spring.

We also have an 8 yr old CargoMate 6’x12’ cargo trailer. Works well for my bear camp at the end of a rough logging road, hauls the RZR etc. Also moved a bunch of stuff to BC from CO. Been to AZ and many trips to Northern BC. Really useful during the house build. Good thing to own. We ordered ours with insulation, stabilizing jacks in back, over height, the high clearance Dexter axle, RV door with screen door, two windows in the trailer, tie downs etc. Those extra options were not that expensive 8 yrs ago. All I did was paint the inside and add a pile of large hooks to hang stuff up plus a paper towel holder. Everything else gets moved in and out. Works well as a camper for me, not so much for wife.
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