Brandon Pattison
I have the H.A.W.G. (Holds A lot of Water and Gear) pack which is a military Camelbak and my last daypack (to be replaced with a DT3). Anyhoo, the OMEGA Water Beast, 100-ounce (3 Liter) bladder has an on/off valve and detachable bite valve. The cool part about a valve is you can keep air out in warmer months (for stealth) or blow air in it after a drink for keeping it from freezing in the colder months. The heat from your back keeps the bladder from freezing, at least when it is not 100 below.
The reason for the thread is to let ya'll know that if you put a Camelbak Quick Link or Platypus Quick-Disconnect male on your water filter's hose you can easily fill the bladder while keeping it in your pack. I am new to this system but I like the idea of being able to fill the bladder completely by not taking the cap off. I was going to get a Dromlite but I like my Camelbak bladder and tube so I am pretty excited about this.
The reason for the thread is to let ya'll know that if you put a Camelbak Quick Link or Platypus Quick-Disconnect male on your water filter's hose you can easily fill the bladder while keeping it in your pack. I am new to this system but I like the idea of being able to fill the bladder completely by not taking the cap off. I was going to get a Dromlite but I like my Camelbak bladder and tube so I am pretty excited about this.