Jason Snyder
I have oodles of respect for what Cameron has been able to accomplish physically. This however, seems to be more of a PR/feed the hype stunt. It's not really even all that good of advice from a medical standpoint. Go back and read what Mike7 said. You don't want to be cleansing that wound with hydrogen peroxide, and if you're in the field you don't want to be closing that wound up with sutures.
The wound is directed upwards. Unless you can be very sure you've got it clean, when you suture it you're going to potentially trap debris in there, and with the direction of the wound it won't drain well.
Steri strips and tape will work just as well, just won't look as manly.
The wound is directed upwards. Unless you can be very sure you've got it clean, when you suture it you're going to potentially trap debris in there, and with the direction of the wound it won't drain well.
Steri strips and tape will work just as well, just won't look as manly.