Calling Bears in the Fall?

Feb 14, 2021
Wondering if anyone would recommend calling in black bears in the fall. This is my first fall targeting bears in CO (always had an add on tag, just struck out with deer/elk tags this year), so any advice is appreciated. Any particular brand/model call I should look for (I've developed a preference for Phelps for elk calls)?

Looking forward to start scouting for acorns and berries next weekend.
You can mouth call them but you need to go for about 45 minutes or an hour, don't pass out. I Don't know the regs for CO but if you can use an electric caller you could save a lot of breath. They will be coming in hot so be ready.
Recommend reading Douglas Blaze’s book, Ultimate Guide to Black Bear Hunting or something close to that. If memory serves me correct he has a good bit of data on calling bears.
Calling in the fall is better than spring in my experience. Be careful of blind calling (calling without seeing a bear first). You may call in a sow with her cubs trailing back behind her. If you are blind calling, try to give yourself a big clear opening so you can get a good look before a bear gets too close.
You can also call in bobcats, mountain lion, coyotes, wolves, hawks, lizards, whitetail, mule deer, etc.

Some will be coming in to protect while others are coming in to kill. Be aware of you are going to shoot before taking it.
calling a bear might work especially in the fall but be cautious that a grizzly might come as well: thus i never calling a bear alone.
I will be carrying a bear tag on my elk hunt this year also. Kind of more interested in tagging a bear honestly, probably better odds too.

Looking at the Colorado regs, it seems taking out the hide is mandatory? Am I reading that right.

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I've only intentionally called bears in the spring. That said, unintentionally called in a number of black bears (as well as 2 cougars and 2 griz) over the years while elk hunting.

In the spring I use either calf elk sounds or rabbit in distress. I know the elk call can work in the fall, don't see why any other distress cal wouldn't either. Be patient and keep an eye behind you!!!!!
I will be carrying a bear tag on my elk hunt this year also. Kind of more interested in tagging a bear honestly, probably better odds too.

Looking at the regs, it seems taking out the hide is mandatory? Am I reading that right.

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it might depends on the state or province you are hunting. here we can now take the meat and left the skin or taking the skin and left the meat: we are always taking both but that is just us.
You can mouth call them but you need to go for about 45 minutes or an hour, don't pass out...... They will be coming in hot so be ready.

I've always read that. The one bear I have called in apparently didnt get that memo lol. Was 30-45mins after I lost sight of him and stopped calling, when he showed up 30ish yrds behind me:ROFLMAO:
I will be carrying a bear tag on my elk hunt this year also. Kind of more interested in tagging a bear honestly, probably better odds too.

Looking at the Colorado regs, it seems taking out the hide is mandatory? Am I reading that right.

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Yes hide, skull and meat. There are no griz in CO. In the fall it is pretty effective usually if you can see the bear first. I've never successfully blind called a bear in CO. Not every bear is inclined to respond if they are actively feeding they will ignore you. If the bear is traveling it is more likely to respond. A bedded bear is kind of 50/50 some will slowly wake up and meander your way others I've seen just keep on sleeping or they get up and move away to find a quieter bed.