Calling all Ozark outdoorsmen


Oct 24, 2018
A while back I suggested starting an informal hunting/fishing/camping club for guys in the Ozarks region (primarily AR and MO, though I don't really care where you're from). Then some stuff came up and I had to put the idea on hold. Now I am ready! I know hunting season is approaching, so many of you are out in the field and not on the computer. But if this idea interests you, please chime in. If enough of you show interest, I'd like to rent a meeting room somewhere like Springfield or Branson, MO, so we can all get together and talk about our passions and obsessions (at least the ones related to fun outdoor stuff, ha ha). I will post this in the general discussion forum as well.

I think this would be a great way to meet other guys who like to fish and hunt in the Ozarks, and maybe plan some trips that might not be possible otherwise, especially for us older fellas. Let me know what you think!
I did a little research, found out we could rent a meeting room at Big Cedar Lodge that accommodates 14 guys for the entire evening for around $50 a head. That includes catering, but not lodging. I think that would work if we could get at least a dozen guys to commit. Late next month (March) would be a good time. What do you guys think?