Calling all Ozark outdoorsmen


Oct 24, 2018
A while back I suggested starting an informal hunting/fishing/camping club for guys in the Ozarks region (primarily AR and MO, though I don't really care where you're from). Then some stuff came up and I had to put the idea on hold. Now I am ready! I know hunting season is approaching, so many of you are out in the field and not on the computer. But if this idea interests you, please chime in. If enough of you show interest, I'd like to rent a meeting room somewhere like Springfield or Branson, MO, so we can all get together and talk about our passions and obsessions (at least the ones related to fun outdoor stuff, ha ha). I will post this in the FNG forum as well.

I think this would be a great way to meet other guys who like to fish and hunt in the Ozarks, and maybe plan some trips that might not be possible otherwise, especially for us older fellas. Let me know what you think!
Im in Branson area a lot.
Let me know if you need any help finding something like a place to meet.
I might have a few ideas depending on how many people there will be.
Love to talk hunting, fishing and guns
Bummer. I’m from the Springfield/Ozark/Rogersville area originally but live in Denver now, otherwise I’d partake. Still deer hunt most every fall in MO though.

Rifles fairly straightforward, but the ozarks is a tough nut to crack when it comes to bow hunting IME.
I’m in Northwest Arkansas but I’ve got a young family so I can’t commit to anything, particularly if It’s outside of my immediate area.

But If anyone wants to do a kid-friendly squirrel hunt or take a trip to the 3-D range, let me know! My oldest is heavy enough to make hiking a good workout when she’s in the backpack carrier, and she loves to hike/hunt/canoe/etc.
These type clubs always lead to people following me around trying to figure out where I kill all my big bucks.

Sorry just kidding. A little out of my area as I am on the South end.
Good timing, Purdeydoubles, as I was just about to make one more attempt at reviving this thread. I would really love to get maybe 12 or 15 guys together to meet once in a while and plan some cool outdoor adventures. Last year I posted this here on Rokslide and also on Reddit, but I only got about 8 guys who responded. I think we will need a few more. I just wish I knew someplace else to spread the word. I'll give it some more thought and in the next couple of weeks I'll post it again to see if we can make it happen. In the meantime, if anyone else has any ideas for how to get more folks interested, please chime in.
I’m in NE Kansas but spent a bunch of time caving near Laurie and in and around Ha Ha Tonka. Worked outside of Iconium a couple summers too. Like it down there.