Caliber Choice On New Rifle

I've been bouncing between 6.5CM, 7-08, and 25-06 for the next build (seeking lower recoil) and this thread has me leaning back towards a 6.5cm.
One day I'll decide and make a purchase
Your wife will appreciate the 7mm08, but she would a creedmore also. Either one will do, over the PRC( as far a recoil and maintaining sight picture), draw straws.
I am among time 270 and 300 wm user. I have been shooting a 6.5 cm for a while. Great cartridge. Not what I would pick for elk at 500 yds tho...
Bumping up to the prc for deer and occasionally elk at 500 seems reasonable...
Kind of a non starter, your average MV between and 6.5 CM/PRC is only a few hundred FPS… it has almost zero effect expect for trajectory. They are the same projectiles. If they are kept within the limits of causing the projectile to disrupt either will work just fine. Especially inside 500 yards. I would go with CM for more ammo, cheaper ammo, and less recoil….
I’m curious;
would it change any of you guys that like the 6mm or 6.5CM minds if your state went to copper bullets? Archery guy here but thinking about picking up a rifle.

I see guys saying the copper still kills them fine…but a trusted Hunt buddy says the copper bullets can be more variable from Brand to Brand and a lot less accurate.
I’m curious;
would it change any of you guys that like the 6mm or 6.5CM minds if your state went to copper bullets? Archery guy here but thinking about picking up a rifle.

I see guys saying the copper still kills them fine…but a trusted Hunt buddy says the copper bullets can be more variable from Brand to Brand and a lot less accurate.

Would definitely give more consideration to a little more but think you can still do fine with either with the right ammo selection.
Monos would really push me out of the short actions and into a medium/long with faster twist to fit the heavier bullets. Its the one consistent argument that I see that holds water against the .223/6mm threads out there.
I’m curious;
would it change any of you guys that like the 6mm or 6.5CM minds if your state went to copper bullets? Archery guy here but thinking about picking up a rifle.

I see guys saying the copper still kills them fine…but a trusted Hunt buddy says the copper bullets can be more variable from Brand to Brand and a lot less accurate.
If the copper thing happened, I think 6cm or .243 AI would be solid. Need that extra MV to ensure the bullet is performing as advertised. I do think copper only spots make a bigger push for magnums… but if a bunch more states went non lead, which is stupid and a PITA, there may be some new innovation with bismuth or tungsten & copper blends … but could be cost prohibitive…
If I were buying a new rifle today, it would be 6.5 PRC. My rifle is a 7mm, which I'm a pretty recoil shy individual, and so I aimed for a gun that is pretty heavy and the outcome is a very soft shooting gun. It was a good decision, in that I truly enjoy shooting it and so I practice a lot over the last few years. That said, every time I sling my pack on my back with 10.5 pounds of rifle attached, I think if I could redo the decision I'd go with the 6.5 PRC and target a total build that's ~3 pounds lighter and similar recoil....which the 6.5 PRC would be.
My original elk rifles were a .338 WM for a primary and a 375 H&H for a secondary. Now they are a 6.5 PRC and a 6.5 CM. IMO the CM is a better .308, and the PRC is a better 270 Win. I like the reduction in weight and recoil. Bullets have caught up with the CAD designs and CNC machining of the rifles and now a submoa gun is a yawner, and you no longer have to hunt with retina-detaching magnums. Unless of course, you want to.
I have a new 6.5 CM in a Tikka as a back up for deer and elk. I am leaning toward a bullet like the accubond, terminal ascent or scirrocco. These bullets don't have then tendency to fragment and ruin excessive meat like the ELD or other fragmenting bullets. I can't stand wasting meat due to a bullet that grenades with a short range, high velocity hit. I will accept that I cannot take long range shots with the accubond type bullet due to lack of expansion at lower velocities.
I've got both. Have a fixed 3x9 on my 7mm08 and a sexy scope for precise ranges on my 6.5CM paired with the Hornady app dialed into my cartridge. Both are great tools for me.