CA Hunt Draws?

I see more cat sign and run into more lions in the brush then mature bucks it's getting old.
My Dad drew X3B. He has drawn it twice before in the last 10 years and both times he chose to not hunt due to scheduling conflicts.
Hahahaha. Can't forget about the lions, they need to eat too so Cali will protect them;)
Now that you can not hunt bear with dogs our deer population is going to plummet. Only time will tell but I believe Californian's will have to hunt other states because of the cat population will reek havoc on our deer heard.

Getting back to the draw hunts. I have been putting in for an elk hunt in California ever since the point system started and still waiting to get drawn. I have max points so I guess I need to put it for a less desired hunt if I want to get drawn. When you put in for a hunt that only has 10 tags and 600 people with max points put in for the same one it is going to take a while.
my dad got his first Muley this year in an x zone drawn with 3 points