Bullet recommendations for 30-06 Elk

Well I’m catching up on the thread. As some mentioned, I was picking a round for a new rifle. I was looking to narrow it down. I agree, lots of good choices of bullets that will do the job if I do. I got lucky with one of the good choices being my first one tried. It’s Moa.

Thanks so much everybody. I bought a second box of the terminal ascent and will work on zeroing and practice.
I haven't ever shot a elk but on white tail deer these have been the best l. 1 nosler accubond 125 yards with a 300 weatherby magnum dropped a whitetail in its tracks but excessive meat loss I had never seen from a 300 weatherby with rem core lokts, 2 Remington core lokt 180 heard alot of good things on them for elk seen gel test done really good from 30-30 on deer they have done really good 243 win on deer done really good 303 British on deer done really good and 300 weatherby on deer done really good i say if it's above 1800 fps and 1650 foot pounds of energy it will kill a elk deer moose whatever u hit will die it's your shot placement that is most important. Edit I shoot the 180 core lokts in my 06 but I haven't shot a deer.
Well I’m catching up on the thread. As some mentioned, I was picking a round for a new rifle. I was looking to narrow it down. I agree, lots of good choices of bullets that will do the job if I do. I got lucky with one of the good choices being my first one tried. It’s Moa.

Thanks so much everybody. I bought a second box of the terminal ascent and will work on zeroing and practice.

How was the hunt?
