Building a Decker Pack Saddle

Jul 21, 2021
I recently got the "I want to try it myself bug" and decided I would like to build a modifed decker tree for a burro/donkey this winter.

There is suprisingly little info on this on the interwebs. Has anyone here done this themselves? I found the modified pack arch online so I won't need to create that from scatch. I also will be purchasing the breast collar/breaching.

Does anyone know where to find specs for the bars? Recommendations for sourcing the bar wood?

Looking forward to starting a fun project.
I have a buddy that is currently modifying a sawbuck to fit a little Jack he just bought. He's been reshaping the bars adding to and removing from them and checking the fit. He plans to fiberglass it once its done. Keep us updated on your project.
I built one 20 years ago. I milled the bars from a cottonwood log with a chainsaw then shaped them w a belt sander. The hardest page
Rt was finding the metal D rings that hold the bars together. I called saddle makers and found one that would sell me just the rings.

Good luck.