Building 223 kimber mountain ascent

Dec 5, 2019
I really like the kimber mountain ascent. I want one in 223 to use as a trainer. Should I buy a mountain ascent in a short action caliber and have it rebarreled ( and would I need to buy a new bolt?) or should I buy a 223 kimber and try to make it lighter and put a mountain ascent stock on it, flute the bolt, re barrel, etc? I want it to have a tighter twist for the heavier bullets as well
The 204/223 84m action is different than the others. Not to mention that kimber won’t sell you parts.

Your only option is buying a 204/223 montana, and that’s like looking for a unicorn.
That’s the information that I was looking for. Thanks. I guess maybe I’ll give up on the kimber idea and go the Tikka route
They made the Adirondack in 300blk. If you could find one of those you could simply Rebarrel to .223.
They have never produced a Mountain ascent in 223. The Montana was the closest they made. It took me many years to find a 223 Montana. I wanted to find one to build a 6x45. I happened to find one in the classifieds and was able to build it just like had hoped. They are hard to find, but not impossible.
They made the Adirondack in 300blk. If you could find one of those you could simply Rebarrel to .223.
That’s a good idea too, but I really am not a fan of the rubber coated stock. The OP might like that though being he is asking about the MA.
They made the Adirondack in 300blk. If you could find one of those you could simply Rebarrel to .223.
I forgot about those, although they are $2700+ now, if you can find one. Plus the $ for rebarrel. I don’t know if a 223 in a Montana format is worth it when you might be in it $3500 without scope.
223 montanas are hard to find and not always cheap when you do find them. I got one a year or so ago and paid more than I should have but they just don’t pop up much.

I know the newer mountain ascent stocks are made in a different factory than the previous generations but keep in mind, the mountain ascent stocks were exactly the same as the Montana stocks so you would t save weight there, in fact I think that paint on the MA stocks made them an ounce or 2 heavier than a Montana stock if that matters to you.

If Kimber started selling the hunters in 223 they would have a winner.
Yeah, I’m not sure that $3500 is worth it. For that kind of money I can be well on my way to a custom or buy a Tikka in 223 and also in a larger caliber and replace my current MA