Oh I'm just a basement dweller that's never shot a rifle or gone outside. Now that we've got that out of the way, enlighten me as to how Sako/Tikka barrels have been better for you when compared to Bartlein, Krieger, etc. And how do the Sako barrels stack up against Bartlein's 400MODBB material? Instead of vaguely hinting at experience you can educate us ignoramuses.
I don't look at just "accuracy" when I make the claim that the guns or barrels are "better". It's a combination of things that stack up to make the gun "better" for hunting in general.
So let's say on a 22-28 lb custom bench rest gun (I used to shoot these with 28"-32"" Bartlein and Kreiger barrels) I see an average of .25-.65" better 20 round 100 yard groups, when compared to an 8 lb Tikka or Sako 22" barreled rifle shooting from the same bench. These would have been the "averages" when comparing dozens of samples of each side by side on concrete benches. This would include anything from 18" lite contours to 32" heavy varmint and most things in between on both dedicated custom hunting rifles and full benchrest/long range varmint guns used for IBS, NBRSA, and VHA competitions (we used bartlein, kreiger, proof, and few carbon 6 and McGowen). The average "increase" in accuracy at these values generally go out the window as soon as you get off a bench and shoot from a realistic hunting shot position.
On average, when shooting both hand load and factory ammo, the Sako and Tikka barrels are less finnicky about ammo selection, less finnicky about needing to be cleaned, have far less samples of "burner" "tumbler" and "hummer" barrels, less finicky about barrel temperature swings, and on average will have a 25% increase in field longevity, meaning rounds down range especially when combined with being used in adverse weather conditions (lots of times more than 25%).
The actions and triggers have been found to be much more reliable on Sako and Tikka rifles in what I have seen in the field. I believe this topic has been beat to death on this site in general so I'd suggest doing some reading on that. I can go into detail on what I've seen personally with dozens of samples of Remington based customs being directly compared to Sako/Tikka guns; but it would be beating a dead horse at this point. I can expand on my experience via PM if you'd like.
So when I came in and suggested that OP should just buy a factory Sako rifle at the price point mentioned in the first post, I wasn't trying to say that "nobody needs a custom gun". It's fun to build rifles and shoot different guns and try out new equipment. I do it all the time.
For the general Rokslide application (backpack hunting with hard field use in adverse weather conditions) a stainless Tikka or Sako rifle will outperform anything else mentioned in this thread so far when taking into account reliability, accuracy with multiple lot numbers and different bullets, barrel longevity, and action/trigger longevity.