Bugling in Colorado high country

I got two reply bugles off the bat at 6am on Sat - about 11k (pretty high meadow for that area). One met me half way and appeared at 25 yds where he raked the hell out a tree in reply to my second bugle (mistake on my part to bugle again). Never got a shot as he was behind a larger pine tree. Should have...done lots of things different.

Never heard another bugle after that but was encouraged to hear those so early in this particular area...
I was hunting Colorado GMU18 all weekend and didn't hear a peep, dead silence. Also didn't see any fresh rubs, everything was from last year or older.
I covered a lot of ground this weekend in northern Colorado but didn't find much of promise. We saw a few new but very weak rubs, water holes showed almost no sign of use, and we heard nothing. We were on good, fresh sign much of Saturday morning but were a few steps behind. The only elk I saw was a lone calf with a limp that busted out of the grass 10 feet from me.

I did call in a really nice bear that I would've loved to have stuck.

Hopefully the bulls are as excited for the long weekend as I am!
Was at 11k in CO gmu 18 Fri through yesterday. No bugiling and no response from my cow calls. The four wallows I usually watch had very little activity. Saw a group of 30 cows Sunday, 2 spikes Saturday. Saw a nice 5x5 yesterday at the same time he saw me, ran fatser than Usain Bolt before I could even draw.
I was hunting mid-state and heard a few early morning bugles. Saw some raking and chuckling too. Still in bachelor groups and singles. Rut is right around the corner, should be an average rut timed year for the area I'm in. I am really worried, though, that the rut is exactly timed with the full moon in September. Could make finding them in daylight and getting them to respond to calls a bit tougher.

One thing is for certain. The rut, bugling activity, etc can differ from mile to mile within a unit and can be a week or more different with different units, etc. In one part of my unit this week I saw lone bulls still in pre-rut phase and a few miles over, bulls were with cows already and talking a bit. The timing is not exact even within units. Good luck...
I heard a few bugles couple days before season then got into a herd with a bull bugling a lot and aggressive, then saw another group of 9 cows and one really big bull and he was bugling a little bit too.
There was a really huge bull moose spotted by a buddy of mine who was prospecting over SW of Buena Vista, he said it was as big as any he ever saw in Alaska when he was in the Air Force there.
I had two bulls bugle down a ridge to me on Sunday. I was back up 11,000' Tuesday and Thursday, not a peep, unit 77. I did find some destroyed trees, no hair prints in the water holes.

No bugles in S. CO opening weekend. No bugles in Summit Co 371 or Vail-45 area yesterday. A friend said he's been hearing bugles around Yampa the last few days. Hope they start soon before the full moon hits as I'm headed up for several days!
Just returned from 6 nights out in the CO backcountry. Not a peep. It was very wet. Saw some nice lone bulls and small groups of cows and calves.
No bugles in S. CO opening weekend. No bugles in Summit Co 371 or Vail-45 area yesterday. A friend said he's been hearing bugles around Yampa the last few days. Hope they start soon before the full moon hits as I'm headed up for several days!
I spent the night out in Unit 68 last night and my tent was set up right at 10,600ft, thunderstorms but after the storms moved out it was dead quiet, not a sound. I got up this morning and blew some bugles into a really nice echoing watershed, but got nothing. I was scouting for bear sign and did not even find any of that.