Bugling in Colorado high country

On the 7th finally heard some bugling starting about 11:30 AM, 9300' elevation, things got real by 1:30
Congrats danarnold- That's a nice one !! Where were you hunting (unit) ??
I finally heard my first bugles Saturday evening. A 5x5 with 8 cows. I got in and drew on him twice yesterday without a clear shot opportunity.
My unit is still dead quite and void of life...not sure what is going on this year. Glad to hear others are starting to hear and see them.
Only heard of 1 bugle up soap creek in unit 54. I'm in glenwood springs now and haven't heard a peep yet. It got down to 33 2 nights ago, that should help it a bit
I was up prospecting at about 9500ft in Unit 82 in the Sangre's north of Crestone yesterday, no bugles but sign of a less than a week old fresh cougar kill of a young mule deer in that canyon
heard them opening weekend, in 43. they got quiet by weekend 2 though. me and my buddy were lined up to take shots at 2 sparring bulls (of 6 total in the group) and some dipshit hunter spoiled it by trying to sneak on them from directly up wind. havent seen or heard anything since. weather got bad though.
I was up prospecting at about 9500ft in Unit 82 in the Sangre's north of Crestone yesterday, no bugles but sign of a less than a week old fresh cougar kill of a young mule deer in that canyon
We're also in 82. heard a handful of bugles, but definitely not going to crazy yet.

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My wife just called from NoCo. She said the bulls were going nuts this evening (though they were dead silent on Sunday).
I find it so much easier to go after mature bulls post rut when they're off by themselves. During the rut there's too many cows eyes watching too and it's really hard to sneak up on them. So, calling has never been important to me. I understand it's importent to early hunters. I'm in the Buena Vista area hunting for bear. I haven't heard one bugle during hunting seasons. I hear more during the summer than now.
Yea I agree. but sometimes the big Bulls don't show up until the rut. Like big deer they can just appear like ghosts never seen before