My post was pretty clear. But hey, I'll help you out here. Our typical criminal laws typically requires some from of intent as it directly relates to the crime, i.e., murder for example, is it murder or is it involuntary manslaughter. However, our game and fish laws are Prima Facie (based on the first impression unless proven otherwise). This directly relates to why a Warden does NOT need a warrant to search if you appear to have been or about to engage in fishing or hunting.
But hey, here is the Ca law:
California Code of Regulations (CCR, T14)
- Take game birds, game mammals or furbearing mammals except as permitted by regulations. CCR T14-250.
- Hunt with a crossbow during archery season (except with a Disabled Archer Permit). CCR T14-354(g).
- Possess a firearm while hunting during archery season or while hunting during the general season with an archery-only tag. CCR T14-354(h).
- Take spike buck. CCR T14- 351(c).
- Pursue, drive, herd, or take any bird or mammal from any type of motor-driven air or land vehicles, motorboat, airboat, sailboat, or snowmobile, except when the motor is off and/or the sails furled and it is drifting, beached, moored, resting at anchor, or is being propelled by paddle, oar or pole. CCR T14-251.
- Knowingly feed big game mammals. CCR T14-251.3.
- Take game birds and mammals within 400 yards of any baited area. This does not apply to the taking of game birds and mammals on or over standing crops, croplands, or grains found scattered solely as the result of normal agricultural operations or procedures. CCR T14-257.5.
- Take bears within 400 yards of any garbage dump or bait. CCR T14-365(e).
There is NO knowingly in that section of the law; there however is for the regulation above, only applying to feeding big game.
My point in previous responses is that the law must be measurable to be legally enforced, for example, Dawn and Dusk are not measurable that is why Sunrise and Sunset are used in the regulations, as they are precisely measurable, and thus enforceable.