Browning SPR vs Bergera wilderness ridge carbon vs savage impulse mountain thoughts or feedback

Dec 23, 2017
Southwestern Alaska
Looking at buying a new rifle in 7PRC. I want to keep my budget around $1500.

Looking at the browning speed spr or the bergera mainly. Anyone own either of these rifles? The savage will be the car on barrel one.

I am not really interested in anything else unless it’s light and it’s threaded.

$1500 is my max budget.
I would go with the Browning, but that is because that is the one I have experience with. My best friend bought one chambered in 6.5PRC. It shoots great. I am not a big fan of the stock egros, but they are pretty much the same on all three that you listed. The only complaint out of the box was the trigger pull, which was easily solved with an MCarbo spring.
Bergaras can be hit or miss and they are heavy. Savages shoot well, but their prices have outpaced their performance, in my opinion. They were much better when they sold basic model guns that shot great. The Ruger American has taken up that spot in the market and Savage is going more "premium", however they haven't fixed the issues that keep them from truly being a premium offering (trigger, stock, and shoddy bolt construction).