** BROADHEADS ** Science & Math

This is impressive... Arrow weight?

I've only read the initial post, not the 14 pages that followed, so maybe this has been covered already, but this will vary by arrow setup, speed, bow tune, and broadhead design. You shouldn't lump all fixed heads together or all mechanical heads together. Labradar showed the following for Iron Will S125 broadheads vs field points:

Initial speed = 270 fps
Field Point at 80 yards = 230 fps (85.2%)
S125 Broadhead at 80 yards - 228 fps (84.4%)

The difference in drop is negligible out to 100 yards in my testing between Iron Will V Series, S Series, SB Series and field points.
This is impressive... Arrow weight?
Mathews VXR 31.5, 77 lbs, 30" draw. Hamskea Trinity rest and Black Gold Ascent slider sight with 4 pins.

Easton Axis 260 arrows, Fusion II vanes, 3 fletch at 3 degrees offset, Iron Will HIT, Impact Collar and Iron Will s125 Broadhead, 530 grains total weight, speed is 285 fps,

That was Bill's setup in the 2020 CBC. I suspect that's what he used with the labradar, however I'll let him confirm that. I'll add he had some impressive shooting too.

Actually looking back at it he said it was an initial speed of 270 fps. So it would have been different.
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Not sure math was needed...more drag = slower = more drop also = longer time in air = more drift

I can visually see the difference between a field point and 1.5" fixed blade or even a Sevr (or whatever broadhead).