
I was shooting 150 gr Strickland Helix last year. Was having a hard time getting them to fly right out of my set up. I think I am going to switch this year but haven't decided on which one. Don't have the stomach to pay up the price for Ironwills. I hear great things about the QAD exodus and slick tricks. I am intrigued by Tooth of the Arrow. And if i do decide to keep with the 2 blade single bevel, I might try out some cutthroats (even though they are a tad pricey for my budget). I think I'm going to drop down to 125 grain as well.
QAD Exodus 100gr. They did great for me last year so sticking with them.

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I got tired of poor blood trails with the Montec G5. Found the deer. Just poor blood trails. Same for elk. So I switched to Slick Trick Viper. Nice blood trail now.
Another vote for Ironwills,. They tune well out to 100 yards.... so you can use them in the flatlands on whitetails or out west. In my experience they leave a decent blood trail, are not affected as much by a angled shots (quartering), and have a great warranty if you have an issue (speaking from experience). Expensive -Yes, but IMO you will never have the excuse of the broadhead = priceless