
I use the QAD Exodus. I shot my first deer with a bow this year. He ended up being a pretty decent 8 point. I was on the ground calling and he came in perfect. Shot him at around 20 yards. Complete pass through. He only ran 43 yards and tipped over. Best blood trail I have ever seen. The exodus has earned its spot in my quiver.
I'm shooting the grim reaper whitetail special and the standard pro series. Fly great and are truly devastating

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I used Slick Tricks for several seasons. Changed it up this year and started using QAD Exodus. Unfortunately I haven’t dumped the string this year yet to see how they do.
OzCut 3b Elite is my current favorite. It's very short & stout, low profile, decent cut and doesn't get easier to sharpen than a 3b. Blew through my elk this year on a slight quartering to and it died in less than 10 yards. Very happy.

Also a big fan of the QAD Exodus & Grim Reaper 4b.
Magnus Stinger 2 blade or Magnus Buzzcut 4 blade 125gr. All hand sharpened. Took 2 deer inside 20 yards this November. I watched one fall about 40 yards away. The other one went 60.