Broadhead sharpening


Aug 16, 2015
For you guys that sharpen your own heads, what is your method? How sharp do you attempt to get them? I personally go shaving sharp, but i recall reading a while back where they used to like to sharpen the edge with a file i suppose to give it a more toothy edge?

I sharpen my cutthroats on a KME with all of the diamond stones and then strop it. I guess i am always wishing i could get it sharper but i sometimes question what the optimal blade sharpness really is. In concept, it would seem a slight toothy edge would cause more damage but then i also read that the extra tissue damage causes clotting to occur more quickly.

Sharpening isnt always easy, and in fact one of the more difficult things i have struggled with. I am super critical of the sharpness i get as i always seem to want to get that hair popping sharpness (which i havent been able to attain).
Less is more when it comes to sharpening. It’s hard to do but it takes a lot of practice and patience. Light strokes with the file. Sharpening single bevels are the hardest to sharpen. I hit the other side of the bevel to take the burr off. Good luck!
I am terrible at sharping with files and stones so I use the Accusharp tool which is pretty easy to use. I usually can get them to shave hair with a few med pressure followed by a few light pressure strokes.
Are yours two or three blade heads? If three blade, it’s a lot easier. You can put two of them on the stone, file, or sandpaper and that creates your angle. Go up in grit or however fine of a stone, etc and you’re there. For a two blade, you have to hold it to set the angle which can be really hard. I used to struggle greatly using stones-it was only after I started making knives that I got any better. It came down to a lot of frustration and practice to get better.

Mine are 2 blade single bevel. I can see how nice it would be to sharpen a 3 blade though. I do think i need to lighten up my stroke a little bit, that is good advice. Sharpening is one of those overlooked skills that most including myself get super frustrated with. It is rewarding to put a good edge on it though! Some guy's edges though they can literally split a hair with. I'm not sure though that is the best edge for a broadhead.

There can be a lot of science to an edge....but at the same time they have killed lots with stone heads.
Less is more when it comes to sharpening. It’s hard to do but it takes a lot of practice and patience. Light strokes with the file. Sharpening single bevels are the hardest to sharpen. I hit the other side of the bevel to take the burr off. Good luck!

Cutthroat single bevels are absolutely the EASIEST to sharpen head I've ever used!
I mainly shoot STOS or Zwickey's but just bought some Cutthroats. On double bevel I normally use a fine file like a Grobet to set my edge and take out any nicks or dings going from firm to light pressure then onto a ceramic stick and strop to shave hair. I used the same file then different grits of sand paper followed by a strop on the cutthroats and they will shave you as well.