Broad head weight change =POI change?


Nov 29, 2019
Looking to try out 200 Gr broadheads. Currently shooting a 460 Gr arrow with the 125 heads.

If I were to add the extra 75gr up front, would that drastically change my POI?

Is there some sort of calculator I can use to determine if this will work ok?

Shooting a Hoyt RX1, 70lb, 28.5” draw.

Thank you in advance.
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POI will change...whether the change is "drastic" or not is a matter of perspective. The POI change will be more pronounced as shot distance increases. I would recommend shooting some 200 gr field points or adding 75 gr worth of weight screws to test out the POI change before you commit to 200 gr broadheads. The extra point weight could also affect your tune FYI.
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Of course it will if you are increasing your weight by almost 20%.

Assuming 70# typical bow you'll drop from ~280fps to ~255fps which will drop your POI by roughly 4-5" between 30 & 40yards. Also your arrow will likely be underspined - adding weight to the front weakens the spine. If you are going to add that much weight up front, you will likely need to change your arrows.
Will POI change - Yes.
Is the spine of your arrow a lot weaker - Yes
Does the 200 grain have a lot more surface area to plane and fly worse - Most likely yes.

Personally, durability of 150 grain heads is a non issue. I don't see a benefit of adding that 50 grains unless a lot of durability is gained. I have no durability issues with good 100 or 125 heads either.