Breaking the Echo Chamber: Combating Misinformation and Toxic Behaviors in the Hunting and Shooting Community

• Parroting: Notice if someone's knowledge seems too rehearsed or if they consistently regurgitate information without demonstrating real understanding.

• Cult-Like Behavior: Watch for groups that blindly rally around a leader or dismiss all opposing views without consideration.

Kinda like the drop test cult.
Dad always said “Know and consider the source”. I spend a lot of time on hunting forums. Its for my entertainment and some knowledge. I give most credibility to the guys and gals inside my bubble. I have known them for many decades. I don't know much about anyone online. I have my own opinions based on 62 years of a very diversified life outside the holler….While I hate ignorance, I like life surrounded by like minded people inside my bubble. I’m not young anymore and less tolerant of people with less experience and strong opinions if the differ from my own. And I don't make any apologies for this. There is a lot of stupidity and evil out there. While I’m not necessarily scared of it , I see no reason to subject myself to it if it can be avoided.
I’m just trying to figure out if the small calibers are true accurate information or if I’m in a cult? Or if the whallop side is a cult? Or if this is just the matrix? …
It's diminishing returns in action. Few guys can shoot nasty bucking rifles well. So their accuracy tends to suck compared to a soft rifle.

Bullet performance is predictable a similarly expanding .224 and .375 at similar impact velocity will have similar results but different magnitude.

If we as riflemen would shoot those 8lb unbraked 300rum rifles well and often, we'd shoot all rifles well....but the trend is to take all field fundamentals out and make every shot a bench shot with gadgets and such.
Exactly, but everyone thinks it's the "other" guys who the things described in OP.
Yeah, it’s always the other person, and even if/when we are partially right, we are still wrong.

And, both sides get all bothered.
Everything in that post is accurate - all those things ultimately happen on any social media or online forum - confirmation bias, echo chamber, group think....etc.
Who cares? Oh no! - Joe Schmo is spreading incorrect information about 7 mag vs 7 PRC, he doesn't know what he's talking about - and to top it off Jim agrees! They've forced my hand, I'm going to have to jump in, set things straight and turn the thread into a total *hit show.
All those techniques work - just look at all the people lined up to give the ultra wealthy tax breaks, while listening to oligarchs spew non stop half truths and outright lies. Politicians at all levels have been elected based on it. Non elected oligarchs like Elon are changing votes in congress based on people following his misinformation, and his outright threats to financially support their rivals.