Firstlite long wick long boxer brief work well for me. Seem to do a pretty good job with moisture wicking and keeping the smell down. Only really worth the price tag though if your change of underwear isn't too frequent on back pack trips.
The Duluth Armachillos do well for me. They don't ride up and are cool for the climate here in AL and when going to the gym. You can catch them on eBay and they have pretty good sales.
I bought the Armachillo Bullpens that have the pocket and wore them 3-4 days straight this week as a test with no real funky odors.
Chose this brand over some others cause us ole men need a hole to pee out of. Going over the top don't work no more. lol
I love boxer briefs, but hate having legs that ride up my thighs when hiking/hunting. I eliminated that issue by switching to trunks, all that I've been wearing for 3 or 4 years.