Bowhunting handgun

How long did your application take after submission? And what are the requirements or pre-requisites now after submitting the form? What courses and training hrs req'd?

And if you don't mind, if in a DM perhaps a high-level overview of the gist of your statement of need (or whatever it's called, where you say why you want the ccw), if you wouldn't mind discussing what hints your instructors may have shared with you in terms of the kinds of verbiage that'd be necessary to ensure they are satisfied with whatever valid need they feel must exist. I'd appreciate it. I'm hoping to address finally getting a ccw likely in the coming year while healing up after possible surgical stuff. Figure getting surgery on your back and being an invalid for some undetermined amount of time surely should be able to score you a "may issue". But want to make sure it's a one-and-done when I finally bother to do it.
Supposedly it takes 18 months to 2 years to get the "interview". And then you have to wait for your 90 day backgrpund check to clear. Then you have 90 days to take an 8 hour course and qualify with whatever weapon you want listed. The interview was just physically siging the statement you submitted in the first place as to why you want a ccw and then pictures and fingerprints. Its not really an interview. My statement was that i go into the backcountry alone and im scared of cats. No questions asked.
I got lucky. My interview took about 2 weeks from paperwork to interview and i expect less than 4 to 5 months from paperwork to getting the class complete (still got to organize the class) someone cancelled their appointment and the scheduler was kind enough to call me and get me in. Sometimes you just need luck i guess.
Is there a limit to how many weapons you can have listed on your CCW card? I thought I remembered that your card is tied directly to only those weapons whose serial numbers are listed on that part of the application, and I think I remember the friend I discussed his with said something like they limit you to 3 to have on the card, I think? I'm probably remembering that factoid wrong, I hope. Certainly would suck to be limited in possible choices.
I am definately not an expert so take it with a large grain of salt.... you can only carry weapons listed on your ccw. You must qualify with each one individually and i believe the 3 gun limit has been removed. Again... i am not an expert.