Asking specifically for my own reading, but feel free to make suggestions for others as well as suggestions that don't specifically apply to the criteria.
Background details - I consider myself pretty close to the center politically, but definitely lean Progressive socially. FWIW I voted for Libertarian Gary Johnson in 2016. While I absolutely prefer Conservative / States rights positions, I'm extremely put off by the majority of Republican candidates (and rhetoric). I also don't believe Corporations will do the right thing without extensive regulations - which to an extent does not allow for a small central government. I despise DT, but don't deny that I could have tunnel vision and be missing the bigger picture.
I'm seeking a better understanding of my right wing relatives as well as my neighbors and community. For that reason alone I will read books that are strictly "right-wing" biased. However, I really do prefer facts presented on both sides that allow the reader to reach their own conclusions. Nowadays this seems to be exceedingly hard to find.
Some specific requests:
1) Best Bill O'Reilly book. As much as I truly want to expand my horizons, I can't see myself making it through more than 1 of his books.
2) Non-religious takes on "Pro-Life". Bonus points for addressing life beyond birth (I have been known to fling the term Pro-Birth Only at relatives and acquaintances on Social Media).
3) Logical and rational overviews of the Obama administration. I'm a big Obama fan, but again don't deny I could have tunnel vision.
4) Most solid Gun rights versus Gun control book that thoroughly addresses pros/cons on each side.
5) Climate Change. I'm definitely pretty far left here, and have not yet seen anything compelling that we are not destroying our planet rapidly.
Background details - I consider myself pretty close to the center politically, but definitely lean Progressive socially. FWIW I voted for Libertarian Gary Johnson in 2016. While I absolutely prefer Conservative / States rights positions, I'm extremely put off by the majority of Republican candidates (and rhetoric). I also don't believe Corporations will do the right thing without extensive regulations - which to an extent does not allow for a small central government. I despise DT, but don't deny that I could have tunnel vision and be missing the bigger picture.
I'm seeking a better understanding of my right wing relatives as well as my neighbors and community. For that reason alone I will read books that are strictly "right-wing" biased. However, I really do prefer facts presented on both sides that allow the reader to reach their own conclusions. Nowadays this seems to be exceedingly hard to find.
Some specific requests:
1) Best Bill O'Reilly book. As much as I truly want to expand my horizons, I can't see myself making it through more than 1 of his books.
2) Non-religious takes on "Pro-Life". Bonus points for addressing life beyond birth (I have been known to fling the term Pro-Birth Only at relatives and acquaintances on Social Media).
3) Logical and rational overviews of the Obama administration. I'm a big Obama fan, but again don't deny I could have tunnel vision.
4) Most solid Gun rights versus Gun control book that thoroughly addresses pros/cons on each side.
5) Climate Change. I'm definitely pretty far left here, and have not yet seen anything compelling that we are not destroying our planet rapidly.
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