Book recommendations

Feb 20, 2020
Asking specifically for my own reading, but feel free to make suggestions for others as well as suggestions that don't specifically apply to the criteria.

Background details - I consider myself pretty close to the center politically, but definitely lean Progressive socially. FWIW I voted for Libertarian Gary Johnson in 2016. While I absolutely prefer Conservative / States rights positions, I'm extremely put off by the majority of Republican candidates (and rhetoric). I also don't believe Corporations will do the right thing without extensive regulations - which to an extent does not allow for a small central government. I despise DT, but don't deny that I could have tunnel vision and be missing the bigger picture.

I'm seeking a better understanding of my right wing relatives as well as my neighbors and community. For that reason alone I will read books that are strictly "right-wing" biased. However, I really do prefer facts presented on both sides that allow the reader to reach their own conclusions. Nowadays this seems to be exceedingly hard to find.

Some specific requests:
1) Best Bill O'Reilly book. As much as I truly want to expand my horizons, I can't see myself making it through more than 1 of his books.
2) Non-religious takes on "Pro-Life". Bonus points for addressing life beyond birth (I have been known to fling the term Pro-Birth Only at relatives and acquaintances on Social Media).
3) Logical and rational overviews of the Obama administration. I'm a big Obama fan, but again don't deny I could have tunnel vision.
4) Most solid Gun rights versus Gun control book that thoroughly addresses pros/cons on each side.
5) Climate Change. I'm definitely pretty far left here, and have not yet seen anything compelling that we are not destroying our planet rapidly.

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Mar 24, 2016
You actually seem fairly biased already, especially with the snarky comments in your numbered list. There is a strange arrogance and piety to your post like you want to understand the underlings amongst whom you are compelled to dwell.

You won’t find many single books that present both sides of an argument equally or effectively. They simply don’t sell, and authors aren’t usually interesting in becoming known as fence-sitters or milquetoast. Philosophies that help you understand the nature of things are a different story. Read Eric Hoffer’s True Believer before anything else. Then take a good hard look at yourself and the things you believe in and ask yourself why you believe in them.

Jonathan Haidt’s books are very good. Again, you are not getting both sides of any story, but being able to understand what motivates people and yourself will help you understand others as people and why THEY think as they do. Empathy is the first step to understanding why people think the way they do about an issue. To simply want to read about a subject as if you are not in need of understanding your own belief system is starting off on the wrong foot, in my opinion. Instead of asking for someone side of an issue to understand them, you better fully understand why you believe as you do first. In any search to understand others, the mirror is the best first step - always.

I’m not even sure what you mean on #2, care to elaborate?

I have two oreilly books but have never read them and probably won’t - they were gifts. I was also given Bush’s Decision Points and did read that. If you want to know him, read it. He’s pretty transparent about his admin.

Cliff Mass from UW is a reasonable guy when it comes to climate change. He’s got a website.


Dec 8, 2018
Asking specifically for my own reading, but feel free to make suggestions for others as well as suggestions that don't specifically apply to the criteria.

Background details - I consider myself pretty close to the center politically, but definitely lean Progressive socially. FWIW I voted for Libertarian Gary Johnson in 2016. While I absolutely prefer Conservative / States rights positions, I'm extremely put off by the majority of Republican candidates (and rhetoric). I also don't believe Corporations will do the right thing without extensive regulations - which to an extent does not allow for a small central government. I despise DT, but don't deny that I could have tunnel vision and be missing the bigger picture.

I'm seeking a better understanding of my right wing relatives as well as my neighbors and community. For that reason alone I will read books that are strictly "right-wing" biased. However, I really do prefer facts presented on both sides that allow the reader to reach their own conclusions. Nowadays this seems to be exceedingly hard to find.

Some specific requests:
1) Best Bill O'Reilly book. As much as I truly want to expand my horizons, I can't see myself making it through more than 1 of his books.
2) Non-religious takes on "Pro-Life". Bonus points for addressing life beyond birth (I have been known to fling the term Pro-Birth Only at relatives and acquaintances on Social Media).
3) Logical and rational overviews of the Obama administration. I'm a big Obama fan, but again don't deny I could have tunnel vision.
4) Most solid Gun rights versus Gun control book that thoroughly addresses pros/cons on each side.
5) Climate Change. I'm definitely pretty far left here, and have not yet seen anything compelling that we are not destroying our planet rapidly.


Is this a poor attempt at trolling?
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Feb 20, 2020
Obviously I'm biased (everyone is) but I literally stated that and asked for recommendations to challenge those biases.

I appreciate the recommendations made and will check them out. I clearly don't have a way with words, but also find myself fairly confused with the degree of jumping to conclusions.


Mar 24, 2016
just curious on #2 are “pro-choice” but are looking for non-religious perspectives against that position? You specifically want a non-religious perspective because you are atheist and reject religious explanations?
Feb 20, 2020
As soon as religion enters (any conversation really) but especially the conversation of Pro-life vs Pro-choice it inherently moves away from ration and logic. I much prefer those two to Dogma, I have been force fed a large enough dose of that already.

I am interested in reading a well-rounded take opposing abortion that also addresses the fact that the same party rabidly supports Guns, Corporal Punishment, The War Machine / Military Industrial Complex, and finally marginalizes the poor and minorities (who get by far the most abortions) and generally does everything in their power to make the life of the would-have-been aborted human a living hell.

I have already read the Bible, it is far too open to interpretation and is grossly manipulated.
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Nov 22, 2016
NW Missouri
Rolling dumpster fire awaits.

How does somebody need an author to explain abortion. YouTube an abortion procedure. If you choose to do that to a human being with a heartbeat, you are a despicable creature needing a claw hammer to the skull.
Aug 16, 2017
No book recommendations here but what I see between the two sides are liberals look at the world emotionally. “Help the homeless” even though they won’t help themselves. ”we need more gun control” even though it was a person that misused the gun. ”raise the minimum wage” even though these jobs aren’t meant to live off of. Personally I think we should start in the prison system and not allow sentencing more than 15 years. If you did something so terrible it warrants more than 15 years it should be execution. I believe in being held accountable. I’m not a religious person but I do see the value in heaven and hell. If people thought they were going to hell for being bad this earth would be better.


Feb 29, 2020
As a Libertarian, I'm sure you're familiar with OBGYN Dr. Ron Paul. He has stated that with today's medical technology, no abortions are necessary to save the life of a mother. I'm not sure if he's written about it extensively in any books. If you're in favor of elective abortions you won't find any books to change your world view unless you give the Bible a second chance.

A Time For Truth-Ted Cruz
You don't have to read all of it. Just read the part about his Father, Aunt, and Grandmother's experience with the Batista and Castro regimes. It's a nice glimpse of socialism.

Economics in One Lesson-Henry Hazlit
A conservative perspective on taxes, tariffs, and regulations.

FWIW. I wasn't a huge fan of Trump either. I don't think he's far right enough. I would have voted for Dick Chaney if he would have ran in 2016.


Mar 16, 2016
The reason everyone is "jumping to conclusions" is that your post came off arrogant. Honestly, it sounds like your mind is made up but you want to read some stuff so you can go talk with your family and friends and use what you "learned" against them. Basically, you dont want be challenged, you want validation for your beliefs. Your posts about how this party this, that party that doesnt help if you are truly opened minded.

Now as far as books, I cant help you but Ben Shapiro has some pretty good non religious based arguments against abortion.
Dec 22, 2018
And back to book recommendations

Centrist musings in print aren't exactly flying off the shelves in this day and age, obviously....try Thomas Friedman or David Brooks. Or better yet, some Thich Nhat Hanh and a good doobie....:p


Mar 24, 2016
As soon as religion enters (any conversation really) but especially the conversation of Pro-life vs Pro-choice it inherently moves away from ration and logic. I much prefer those two to Dogma, I have been force fed a large enough dose of that already.

I am interested in reading a well-rounded take opposing abortion that also addresses the fact that the same party rabidly supports Guns, Corporal Punishment, The War Machine / Military Industrial Complex, and finally marginalizes the poor and minorities (who get by far the most abortions) and generally does everything in their power to make the life of the would-have-been aborted human a living hell.

I have already read the Bible, it is far too open to interpretation and is grossly manipulated.

Then you want a political argument not a pro-life one sans religion. The fact you have conflated those who oppose abortion with 'the party" shows you can't really have a discrete conversation about a single topic. I'm willing to try if you are - so far you want to load the dice so heavily as to simply point to what you consider glaring hypocricy as proof that the pro-life position form the same people you are calling warmongers invalidates all of their positions.

I'll remind you that your are in fact a 'could-have-been-aborted human' - is your life a living hell?

From where do you derive your moral compass?


Dec 8, 2018
Asking specifically for my own reading, but feel free to make suggestions for others as well as suggestions that don't specifically apply to the criteria.

Background details - I consider myself pretty close to the center politically, but definitely lean Progressive socially. FWIW I voted for Libertarian Gary Johnson in 2016. While I absolutely prefer Conservative / States rights positions, I'm extremely put off by the majority of Republican candidates (and rhetoric). I also don't believe Corporations will do the right thing without extensive regulations - which to an extent does not allow for a small central government. I despise DT, but don't deny that I could have tunnel vision and be missing the bigger picture.

I'm seeking a better understanding of my right wing relatives as well as my neighbors and community. For that reason alone I will read books that are strictly "right-wing" biased. However, I really do prefer facts presented on both sides that allow the reader to reach their own conclusions. Nowadays this seems to be exceedingly hard to find.

Some specific requests:
1) Best Bill O'Reilly book. As much as I truly want to expand my horizons, I can't see myself making it through more than 1 of his books.
2) Non-religious takes on "Pro-Life". Bonus points for addressing life beyond birth (I have been known to fling the term Pro-Birth Only at relatives and acquaintances on Social Media).
3) Logical and rational overviews of the Obama administration. I'm a big Obama fan, but again don't deny I could have tunnel vision.
4) Most solid Gun rights versus Gun control book that thoroughly addresses pros/cons on each side.
5) Climate Change. I'm definitely pretty far left here, and have not yet seen anything compelling that we are not destroying our planet rapidly.
