
Nov 3, 2017
I have a bunch of crypto. A decent amount of BTC. A pile of ETH and SOL. But I’m in probably 30 projects at any time. I bought my first BTC in early 2017. In early 2020 and over Covid I got a phd in crypto. Literally thousands of hours researching how everything works and different projects. Bought as much as I could in the few months before the halving 2020.

I made a post in another forum that was crapping all over BTC a little over a year ago telling people to buy over the next 12 months. Explained why I thought so and why it makes sense. I can promise no one did. I have been dumping into SOL and ETH every week the last two years. It’s been a hell of a last month to say the least!
Mar 8, 2014
The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

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Mar 8, 2014
I have a bunch of crypto. A decent amount of BTC. A pile of ETH and SOL. But I’m in probably 30 projects at any time. I bought my first BTC in early 2017. In early 2020 and over Covid I got a phd in crypto. Literally thousands of hours researching how everything works and different projects. Bought as much as I could in the few months before the halving 2020.

I made a post in another forum that was crapping all over BTC a little over a year ago telling people to buy over the next 12 months. Explained why I thought so and why it makes sense. I can promise no one did. I have been dumping into SOL and ETH every week the last two years. It’s been a hell of a last month to say the least!

I’ve been doing the same thing since Covid, reading every book I can get my hands on. My main buys are BTC and Sol. I’ve talked to all kinds of friends about and only have one who has bought btc and he constantly wants to sell now because he is up a decent amount . My brother and me finally got through to our parents and they moved a very small amount into BTC, they are up and now want more. Besides that everyone else either blows me off or tries to tell me why something else is better. When I start talking to them about stock to flow, supply and demand they tell me that’s not a thing or doesn’t matter. SMH literally had that conversation yesterday. When it does go up people just say “oh it’s just luck”, maybe, or maybe there’s something to it. I remember talking with a friend in 2014 about btc and I blew the idea off. I didn’t take the time to understand. Everyone gets btc for the price they deserve.

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Mar 24, 2017
I've been buying for several years, took a 100k haircut with Celsius going tits up, should've known it was too good to be true. I just DCA every month a couple K, I try and not pay attention to the wild swings, just keep buying regardless of the price. Did have some other shitcoins too, but now I'm pretty much all in on BTC and etherium.

Keep in mind, not your keys, not your crypto. I keep nothing in a soft-wallet online, everything is off-line on Ledger. I lost a lot of money having it stored in Celsius (another long story), but that was my own dumbass fault.
Mar 8, 2014
Pre markets for etfs, miners and btc proxies are up a decent amount. Could be a good day.

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May 15, 2021
Will we ever see btc below 50k again? I didnt think so after the last ath so I did not sell and take profits. I was thinking on selling a little bit at 75k, 100k, and 125k this time around. I will only be selling 15% but Im having a hard time parting with my btc.
Mar 8, 2014
Something that is happening right now and goes with the BTC narrative is NY community Bank is crashing currently down 41%, it has been haulted 3 times now. This bank is involved in rent regulated, non luxury apartments.

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Jun 15, 2017
San Antonio
I mined a pile of Eth back in the day and sold it all off on a little bump way back before crypto was on IRS's radar. Sure wish I would've just squirreled it away instead. Such is life... not getting back in now, everything's too high lol.
Sep 5, 2023
I FOMO’d in, in ‘21. Bought BTC primarily and lesser amounts of ETH and ADA. Not an unsubstantial investment, ~15% of portfolio, though probably not enough to change my life one way or the other. I’m on the plus side again and looking forward to this next run, just to see what happens. I have no plans to sell BTC, that I plan on leaving to my kids. The others…there will come a time.
I have everything off exchange.


Jul 6, 2023
To put it as simple as possible:

-BTC is the ONLY deflationary currency. Gold used to be considered deflationary, but we will always find more.

Don't get me wrong, I'm generally a fan of alternatives to our fiat currency, but I think you're placing intrinsic value on something that will never have it. A move to a CBDC is not out of the question, and if that happens that soft gold metal will look like a pretty good hedge.
Dec 2, 2012
Not in it and won't be. As far as I can tell, there are no underlying fundamentals which drive its price.

I've attached the fundamentals you've been searching for. M2 money supply tells the story of the fiat money Ponzi in pure black and white.

You may not like Bitcoin for whatever reason but these charts are pure signal.

If your investment vehicle of choice is not outpacing M2 then you are being debased. In the charts below you will see I have changed the denominator to M2 and picked some common numerators (SPY) S&P 500/ (QQQ) NASDAQ/ (GLD) GOLD/ (XOM) EXXON MOBILE and BITCOIN

The only way you can disagree with this data moving forward is if you think the US GOVT will stop printing money and expanding the money supply. Im betting it only accelerates from here personally as we are now adding 1 Trillion a year in debt just to pay interest expense which is also now the largest line item in the US budget.

Also this is just the US... Every G7 nation has the same issue.

Im also seeing in this thread a lot of you saying you will sell your BTC for fiat at 100K or whatever price you have in your head. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of why you should be invested in Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is the EXIT!


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Feb 12, 2024
I’ve bought a little bit usually just to move around some funds never thought about long term investing. Y’all think 100$ would do it ?

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Oct 24, 2022
Can any of you explain to me, as if I’m a third grader, what the end plan is with BTC? Meaning are you envisioning a day where retailers scan some device of yours and deduct some amount of BTC for a bag of groceries? Inflationary concerns associated with fiat currency aside, I know what the US government is and its backing means something to me. Gold means something because folks find it pretty and it’s used in some manufacturing. Isn’t BTC just a nebulous idea floating around out there backed only by hope and opinion? What about concerns regarding digital theft, not only like what that weird Bankman Fried guy pulled off but how about some moderately talented hacker at the corner Starbucks? I mean, I can stuff my mattress with hundos or bury some gold in the pasture, BTC isnt tangible, right? Asking out of genuine curiosity, can’t disagree with the gains but just can’t wrap my head around how this isn’t digital tulip bulbs.
Mar 8, 2014
Can any of you explain to me, as if I’m a third grader, what the end plan is with BTC? Meaning are you envisioning a day where retailers scan some device of yours and deduct some amount of BTC for a bag of groceries? Inflationary concerns associated with fiat currency aside, I know what the US government is and its backing means something to me. Gold means something because folks find it pretty and it’s used in some manufacturing. Isn’t BTC just a nebulous idea floating around out there backed only by hope and opinion? What about concerns regarding digital theft, not only like what that weird Bankman Fried guy pulled off but how about some moderately talented hacker at the corner Starbucks? I mean, I can stuff my mattress with hundos or bury some gold in the pasture, BTC isnt tangible, right? Asking out of genuine curiosity, can’t disagree with the gains but just can’t wrap my head around how this isn’t digital tulip bulbs.

Good question and I’ll give it my best shot from my understanding. I’m sure others will chime in. I don’t see myself going to the grocery store and using BTC to buy goods. Why do people hold gold, specifically paper versions of gold? Too hold value. You don’t see those people walking into a store to buy things, bc it’s a store of value. The nebulous idea is based on the idea that the gov can’t control it and that it can’t be inflated, there is a known amount and it will never change. If it did this conversation would be different. So the stock to flow goes down every halving, in turn driving up value and blowing away inflation and all other forms of ways to hold value. The charts above prove that point. Btc is backed by power usage, it requires energy from miners to bring new btc to the market. The miners are also approved all movements of btc, it has to be approved before happening. In order to hack the current system would require an amount of computing energy not currently available. The miners are all over the world so you can’t attack them at the same time. People got wrecked with Bankman bc they left their btc on the exchange. That’s why the saying goes, not your keys not your coin. It requires people to take ownership of their value or “financial future”. You could stuff fiat but it is losing value faster than global warming is melting the Arctic. You can bury gold, how much can you fit into your pants before they fall down. I can carry my btc everywhere all the time without boarders. As far as tulips go, btc repays you for your energy usage for ever. Everything takes energy to make happen, imagine if you got paid right now for the energy you used 2,3 4 years ago. Btc gives you that, it happens bc it has a limited amount and everything else we use to do daily transactions are being inflated forever.

That’s my best go haha. I can suggest a long list of books which will go into more detail and explain it better than I can. If that is something you are interested I can post them here. I have a tracker which will calculate your returns if you were to dca into btc and the returns are crazy, nothing comes close. Corps are just now getting in and they have unlimited fiat to pump into the value. They see their stack shrinking and are looking for alpha. Of course this could all be a matrix program also haha

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Nov 3, 2017
I have no grand sight for what BTC or crypto will be. I have reason to believe it will be around and gaining for decades. I’ve educated myself on the cycles and how it all works and I’m here for the turning, for example, $1K into $15k over a couple years and cashing out for hard assets. Then repeat. I already posted the halving chart. For 3 years we’ve known with about a 95% certainty that before this halving the BTC ETF was coming and institutional money was on the way. For me, the exponential gains from two years ago to about 1.5-2 years from today are nearly a guarantee. That’s why I’ve been buying ETH and SOL and not BTC, because I view them as safe with a much larger margin for profit than BTC. I’m already up nearly 10x on the SOL I’ve bought over the last couple years. I plan to be mostly out in ~1.5 years and buy a pile of real estate and reevaluate. I’ll likely roll all profits back into crypto over the (more than likely) two year bear market from 2026-2028.

I’m not into selling people on the hedge against inflation deal. I certainly understand it and somewhat explained it, but DYOR and don’t listen to internet strangers if you have so much money laying around that you’re investing it to save it from inflation. If you truly believe the USD is going to collapse and we will be on CBDC or trading gold rocks for goods, shit has got well beyond out of control. If that’s what you’re basing your investing around, I would recommend buying ammo, guns, and water filters over anything in that case; they will be of significantly more value than gold, BTC, or anything for that matter.

When I post items for sale, I say that I accept Venmo, BTC, ETH, and SOL. Several places online already offer crypto as a payment option. And we’re EXTREMELY early. Maybe we see crypto as payment at the store eventually, but probably not for another decade.

As far as theft and hackers, see the post about moving everything to a wallet. Not your keys, not your crypto. That’s what happened with FTX, people that lost money broke the cardinal rule of owning crypto. You don’t own it on Coinbase, FTX, Robinhood, etc. you own it when you have the keys (hard or soft wallet.) And keep in mind (unless things changed recently) that places like Robinhood own $0 in BTC. You cannot send crypto bought on places like Robinhood or PayPal to a wallet b/c they own none. You’ve simply bought a position. Buying on crypto exchanges like Coinbase will then allow you to send to your wallet, at which point you own the keys. Just buying on Coinbase again means you own an electronic position and they technically still own the actual crypto.

The US Government owns $13 billion in BTC by the way. So don’t be so convinced the government or corporations are against it. Watch what they do, not what they say.

I’m old enough to have watched dozens of opportunities slip away because of people not embracing technology. “Why would I go to a computer to type an e-mail when I can just write a letter and send it, Microsoft will go to zero.” “People would rather have in person interactions than online, Facebook will go to zero.” “People love going to malls, I doubt we will order our groceries from Amazon.” “I’m not carrying around a phone in my pocket when every building already has one and pay phones are everywhere.” The corporation and banks are putting in place massive crypto branches, we’re officially adapting. Again, watch what they do, not what they say.
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May 15, 2021
Can any of you explain to me, as if I’m a third grader, what the end plan is with BTC? Meaning are you envisioning a day where retailers scan some device of yours and deduct some amount of BTC for a bag of groceries? Inflationary concerns associated with fiat currency aside, I know what the US government is and its backing means something to me. Gold means something because folks find it pretty and it’s used in some manufacturing. Isn’t BTC just a nebulous idea floating around out there backed only by hope and opinion? What about concerns regarding digital theft, not only like what that weird Bankman Fried guy pulled off but how about some moderately talented hacker at the corner Starbucks? I mean, I can stuff my mattress with hundos or bury some gold in the pasture, BTC isnt tangible, right? Asking out of genuine curiosity, can’t disagree with the gains but just can’t wrap my head around how this isn’t digital tulip bulbs.
Best bet is to search michael saylor and listen to his debate with the gold guy. I tell people btc is a discovery not an invention thats kinda how I see it.