bird dog caught in snare

Often is the case that negligence falls on the pet owners letting their pets roam at large. But the trapper does need to show some discretion on where they make their sets. The resources don’t belong to just one user group. Many seasons run concurrent with others.
You don’t need a cable cutter for snares. Just straighten the lock and open the loop. Foot holds are self explanatory on how they work. One thing I would educate yourself with is how to open a 330 Conibear with a piece of rope. I always carry parracoard with me while bird hunting with my dogs Just for this reason. Illegally set 330’s on land. If your dog were to ever get caught in one twist the trap to get the jaws off the wind pipe and use the rope to compress the springs. Once compressed flip the safety over the spring arm to keep it compressed while you do the second spring and safety.

video is a quick demo.

My dog got into a leg hold trap not more than 10' from a public access fishing spot parking lot. Who the heck puts a trap where people park to fish? That trap is now in the bottom of the river.

The same week a guys Great pyrenees got into a leg hold and sent him to the hospital as the dog attacked him as he was trying to free it.
I trapped as a kid and would never set traps where people frequent, people these days just don't give a cr@p.
That guy had 9 great pyrenees with him all running loose. The other dogs attacked that dog and he got bit by his other dogs. Of course that liberal rag from Sun Valley made it in to another hit piece on trappers and not about the idiot letting his hounds run wild on BLM ground.

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I have a buddy in UT whose dog got caught in one. He ended up having to shove his shotgun against the dogs neck and shoot it off of her. By the stroke of God he shot it off without hurting his dog. The snare was not marked nor did it have any owner information on it and was 30 yds from the parking area. Needless to say he destroyed the entire setup.
The fact that some dogs inadvertently get caught in snares is not a reason to ban snares. IMO, if someone wants to ban something, the onus is on them to prove that it does more harm than good. I would think that the courts could deal with these types of things as needed. If a trapper is negligent in where they set their traps, what traps they use, or otherwise doing something against the law, then they can be found guilty criminally and/or civilly. Same with a muzzle loader hunter that shoots an archery hunter. Don't need to ban anything. But, the muzzle loader hunter can/should be held responsible in court for their negligence.
My dog got into a leg hold trap not more than 10' from a public access fishing spot parking lot. Who the heck puts a trap where people park to fish? That trap is now in the bottom of the river.

The same week a guys Great pyrenees got into a leg hold and sent him to the hospital as the dog attacked him as he was trying to free it.
I trapped as a kid and would never set traps where people frequent, people these days just don't give a cr@p.
You don't think when you trapped there were trappers making sets in dumb places like you describe?

And who cares if the guys dog attacked him? I don' is that the trappers fault? I'll answer isn't.

My wife's uncle's dog got caught in a 330 conibear...lucky he was a big lab and got caught sort of sideways where it wasn't blocking his airway and didn't snap his neck. My father in law knew how to open the trap with a rope and used a leash in his bird hunting vest to undue it. Did they both bitch about the trapper that set My FIL reset the trap for the guy and head back to the truck.
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I can appreciate Vandy’s question and it seems to me he’s just gathering others thoughts here. So I’ll add my perspective.
I own and cherish a 5 and 7 yr old bird dogs. I hunt them all year long. There’s always something to hunt in Alaska.
I’ve read more than one or two inaccurate or inconsistent post as Ive gone thru this thread. Obviously each state has there own laws regarding trapping. Not all snares are equipped with breakaways, for example.
Along with hunting birds my dogs are always on adventures with me in the field. I also dabble in trapping/snaring.
A coworker/foreman of mine killed a dog just outside the town of Seward 2 decades ago. (Can’t rmmbr if conibear or snare). I would describe the spot to be, semi questionable. Man, did that raise heck in that town! The coworker snuck around town for weeks trying to lie low.
About 6 yrs ago ( now living elsewhere in Ak) I had my then 1 yr old dog out a very very main 4 wheel drive road that the whole community uses. It was either the first or second day of trapping season. I ran into (one of) the local trappers in our community. He saw me with my dog out looking for birds and he cussed me out like no tomorrow. Because I only dabble in trapping I had not realized the season was going and I also had not owned a dog in over 30 years, so he really caught me off guard. I was cordial, apologized to some degree. I tried to have a ‘nice’ discussion about, ‘why are u NOT posting that u are trapping off this road/trail to let folks know?’ He claimed that folks then steal their traps. I found this disingenuous at best as he had just yelled at me that “you or your dogs will never even know there was a trap there till they get caught” when he had chewed my ass.
I firmly believe that if a guy knows there could be pets in the area they should post the area. (Not the traps themselves. But the area/trail etc).
Later that winter I was out in the wilds 5 miles from a road and was walking/hunting with the same almost 1 yr old pointer and detoured my path as there was a downed tree in my way. Easier to go around than over or under but the pup walked right on thru. As I went around and started on I turned around and sure enough, there was the pup standing/sitting (don’t rmmbr) right under the log w the wolf snare around her neck. Calm as could be. I removed it and draped it up over the log. Very thankful for her composure.
Fast forward to last week. I had set a couple snares around a F n G road kill moose I had a permit for. I usually make my (now) 2 dogs sit when I go to examine my site so I can see tracks etc. Then after that I release the pups to do their exam but always try to steer them away from potential capture by my snares. Same dog was again snared, as I guess I wasn’t watching her close enough. Once again, just waiting for me to release her.
I’m not quite so sure my other dog would react so calmly. I watch her close.
Bottom line, I advise any neighbors etc when, and where my snares or traps out even if they don’t generally let their dogs run. It’s the responsible thing to do. I def would put signs out IF it were a well used area. And since I’m out all year with my dogs, if I run into folks that MIGHT trap, to let me know when where if they do. I’ve let them know I run my dogs all year.
Sorry for the long story but it covers all sides in this subject I think.
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I trap beaver solo and also bird hunt with my Brit.

Trappers need to follow the laws and use common sense with a focus on what’s right vs what’s legal.

Bird hunters need to understand that public land is multi-use and educate themselves on how to remove animals from traps while avoiding high likelihood trapping areas.

Trapping is under attack across the country and so is hunting with dogs. We need to support one another.

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The irony of this thread made my night…

And no, snaring should not be illegal on public land. I am opposed to foot traps on public land however due to concerns for people not dogs.
A great majority of bad publicity incidents are from either illegal trappers, or lazy trappers who aren't following the rules as set forth. Here in Idaho you can't set within 10ft of the edge of any unpaved trail or 2 track, or within 100yds of any parking area, trailhead, or paved trail unless using cage traps. Every year some idiot puts one right off a popular hiking trail or paved trail or parking area and gives every law abiding trapper a bad name. I think sometimes that the antis do that stuff on purpose to get the public on their side. Trapper's for the most part are on their own, most other outdoor user groups don't support trappers when they're the first stepping stone to other groups being targeted. "I don't care if they ban trapping, I don't trap".... then when it comes time to ban their activities they start asking other groups to support them. Why would trappers want to support groups that repeatedly throw them under the bus? The entire West was explored, opened up, and settled because of the fur trade.

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I have hunted and hiked extensively with Brittanies in Oregon and over the last several decades have had them in snares three times and leg hold traps three times, usually while grouse hunting. In all cases I noticed the dog was in distressed and was able to free it with no significant harm down.

I specifically train my dog with choke collars so they know not to pull when they get something constricting around their neck. That has worked for me with snares. I also understand that at least in Oregon they have rules on leg holds so they don't break the leg and non target animals can be released. All three times my dogs were in leg holds the trap did not break any bones.

The thing that scares me are conabar kill traps. Trappers tell me that if your dog sticks his head in one he is probably dead, even if your close by. Because of this, I would like to see a regulation saying trappers must put up notification signs when they set conabar kill traps.
We are very regulated here in Idaho on conibears on dry land sets. There's really no reason to use a 330 sized conibear on land anyways. Yet, every year some idiot does it. I am extremely selective on where I use those for beavers and I don't anchor them til after they're set. The Idaho Trappers Association has been very vocal about not using large conibears on land. In the bush in Alaska I can see their place for lynx and wolverine. In the lower 48 with dogs everywhere? No way.

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OK so I coundnt see the link so someone tell me please ,are we talking wolf, coyote ,or predator snaring in general ? Alot of states have a sign that is to be posted in areas that have human traffic by the trapper while he is working the area .The problem is not alot of people dont know what the symbol means. Ive raised bird dogs and trapped/snarred for winter $ but the answer isnt doing away with one activity its knowing whats going on where your at .
I've been the trapper setting foothold traps and snares both. I've caught a few pets that were a long way from home, and I've found a few traps and snares laying out. I've never once seen a domestic dog die in either one because it struggles to death. Ever.
Domestics in traps to the same as other canines, you'll find them laying there waiting. Snares when properly done tighten as the dog pulls. They are found sitting waiting just like they would on a leash.
There's little reason to cut a snare and in fact it's generally against the law for you to damage them in any way. Likewise, disturbing a set is also against the law.

For those of you who do find a dog in a snare, if ever, there's a slider on the cable that loosens quickly by straightening the tab in line with the cable. Then pushing the slack end toward the neck. Faster than retrieving cable cutters and getting them to work.

Less predators = more game. While you're considering what I've said , let me add that dropped off house cats are the biggest problem in some areas, and they should be eliminated from the field at every chance.
Truth 👆🏻
I have hunted and hiked extensively with Brittanies in Oregon and over the last several decades have had them in snares three times and leg hold traps three times, usually while grouse hunting. In all cases I noticed the dog was in distressed and was able to free it with no significant harm down.

I specifically train my dog with choke collars so they know not to pull when they get something constricting around their neck. That has worked for me with snares. I also understand that at least in Oregon they have rules on leg holds so they don't break the leg and non target animals can be released. All three times my dogs were in leg holds the trap did not break any bones.

The thing that scares me are conabar kill traps. Trappers tell me that if your dog sticks his head in one he is probably dead, even if your close by. Because of this, I would like to see a regulation saying trappers must put up notification signs when they set conabar kill traps.
There was a dog killed in my area by a conibear. It was totally avoidable and I put the responsibility on the trapper. He was trapping bobcats on a small section of state surrounded by houses on acreage where everyone in the area walks their dogs. He would have been fine trapping bobcat with small snares or small leg holds but set up a conibear and killed the dog. There’s responsibility on both sides for sure. It hit the papers and along with some other poorly placed traps created a bit off a pr issue not to mention needlessly killing the dog. The fur trapper association took it upon themselves to push making it required to take a trapping class for anyone that had not had a trapping license dating back at lest 10 years. Trappers have to have some respect and common sense too. I’m a trapper and will never be in favor of banning any current trapping methods or more needless regulation but we need to be responsible with our trap placement. So many problems can be avoided with some common sense on where you place your trap and what type of trap you use depending on the area. Some sets are just not worth the risk of non target catches. The problem is 99 percent of trappers know this but the 1 percent hit the papers and give us all a black eye
The irony of this thread made my night…

And no, snaring should not be illegal on public land. I am opposed to foot traps on public land however due to concerns for people not dogs.
Really on the leg holds?
I have a buddy in UT whose dog got caught in one. He ended up having to shove his shotgun against the dogs neck and shoot it off of her. By the stroke of God he shot it off without hurting his dog. The snare was not marked nor did it have any owner information on it and was 30 yds from the parking area. Needless to say he destroyed the entire setup.
So if he was able to place a shotgun barrel such that he shot the snare and didn't injure the dog, his dog was in zero danger from the snare. All he has to do was slide the lock.

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I have a buddy in UT whose dog got caught in one. He ended up having to shove his shotgun against the dogs neck and shoot it off of her. By the stroke of God he shot it off without hurting his dog. The snare was not marked nor did it have any owner information on it and was 30 yds from the parking area. Needless to say he destroyed the entire setup.
WTH? He shot the snare off?? That’s beyond retarded. Removing a snare from a dog is simple and easy no shotgun required. Tearing apart and destroying a trappers set is illegal