Alaska and a couple other states are unique in that they still allow use of 330 conibears on dry land and not elevated. My opinion only, and having been part of the MN trappers association attending meetings, visiting the capitol, etc during the Lynx lawsuit and conibear changes many years ago, is that dryland 330s are a risk that will result in some negative changes down the road. I would think in AK, that 330s could be eliminated in some boroughs other than water sets, or limited to a short time of year when lynx and wolverine are targeted and have rules about how close (pretty far) from any trails, towns, dwellings etc. They are truly dangerous to dogs, and are hard to manage without setters or good knowledge of how a conibear works. I have used a TON of 160s and quite a few 220s in dry sets and with some thoughtful placement, baiting, and common sense they are really a very safe way to set for coon, mink, fisher, etc. Trappers need to be proactive/police their own and are our own worst enemies sometimes. Moving to ID I really didn't like that I had to take a class just to trap like I had been for over a decade but after taking the course it is really positive. Could always be better but my standards are pretty high for education/content/delivery.