Bino help?

Nov 3, 2024
I have $1600 to spend on a new set of binos. I’d like something in a 12x; however, I’m wondering if I’d be better off spending on higher end 10x. Do I go used Swaro, or new other?

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I think at that budget, everyone is going to tell you to go with used Swaro or Zeiss Victory SF.
Good day, just to reiterate above, look at as many as possible, everyone’s eyes are different and change through their life. I wear glasses and prefer to look through binoculars without them, well so far I’ve only found that Leica will adjust each eye piece to my vision. All other, I must wear glasses which is not preferred method. Look at the distance your going to using as well, 12 power needs to be out there, 300 - 900 yard range, 50 yard in woods looking will hurt you. That why a lot of people have 2 binoculars or an all around 8/10 power with a spotter.
I just picked up a pair of Swarovski NL Pure 10x42. They are not bad.
Curious why you are saying 'they are not bad'. I have the 8x42 NL Pure and they are the best binoculars i have ever looked through. Im actually looking to purchase a second set in 10x42 for those longer distance glassing days
I have $1600 to spend on a new set of binos. I’d like something in a 12x; however, I’m wondering if I’d be better off spending on higher end 10x. Do I go used Swaro, or new other?

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Swarovski is clearing out a lot of the EL line. You can get brand new 10x42 EL's for roughly that price if you shop around.
Can you recommend where to shop?

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Eurooptic tends to have good prices for new. That's usually the first place I'll check for any optic. OpticsPlanet has some good prices on some things, but they're notorious for taking ages to ship, including not always making it clear they don't have an item in-stock.

You can also get some great deals here on Rokslide on used - lots of guys wanting to upgrade their glass will sell their older optics. This has been happening fairly regularly as guys get into the somewhat newly-released Swarovski NL Pures, and offloading their ELs - which are still some of the best glass in the world - and other very high-end optics. I've seen some posted on here for right around your price range. The only issue is that you're taking risk with used, both from scammers and with hidden, undisclosed, or unnoticed problems.

Someone above mentioned Tract, and I'll add Maven to that as well. Both are companies that don't sell to retailers - they're direct to consumer, and cost significantly less for the performance they give because of that.

I recently purchased a pair of 18x Mavens from a Rokslider here, used. They're excellent so far, and I had a good experience with the seller, finding no unexpected problems from usage. Got them for about 65-70% of retail.

Best way to approach getting high-quality used would be to keep your eye on the Optics classifieds here for a few weeks, get a feel for the market, research optics you see come up to learn more about the field, and be ready to jump on a good deal when it arises.

IIRC, there's also a couple of smaller optics retailers that take trade-ins and/or have demo models you can pick up at some good prices. Just can't remember any off the top of my head here...
Iv heard great things about Kowa, but have yet to put my hands on them. Have you used them?

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Yes, I have the 10.5 Kowa Genesis and the glass experience is equal to or better than the SLCs, but they don't take an Outdoorsman stud, so you have to use one of the clamp type attachments for a tripod
Swaro EL and never look back...period. I also like the Leica Ultravid HD which is optically equivalent, but for different reasons, one of which it does not use field flattener lenses and has a more 3D view and the color spectrum is much more vivid. Thats why the birders like them so much. I have 3 pr of EL's and 3pr of Leica HD's so I can speak from experience. I did however, check out the Vortex UHD's and they are very close to EL's but are much bulkier and much heavier than EL's or Leica's. Plus, they will not hold their value like the others. One last thing...there is nothing like the Leica's for the build quality and the "feel the quality in your hand". They just have it nailed down, which is why you never see them change their design over and over like any of the others. If anyone knows quality optics, it's the birders.
Maven 12x50. Light, clear, and will save you a few hundred for other gear. If not, Sig Sauer with the range finder. I use those. They are heavy. I have a lot of optics. Big three, Vortex, Meopta, etc. For the money, Maven.