Why? Wouldn't change anyones mind about BHA anyway...for starters.
Seems that BHA annual donations of $750-$1500 to the WGF AccessYes program doesn't change anyone's mind. Or the fact that a couple members are in the top 10 private donors to the AccessYes program as well. Fighting state land exchanges that would have eliminated 4000 acres of BLM to some of the best elk hunting in SE Wyoming, not to mention impacting another 5-6K acre of Forest service didn't change anyone's mind. How about the county road vacations that WYBHA opposed and successful lobbied the Laramie County Commission to deny, the ones that would have eliminated public access to 4-5 sections of accessible BLM and State, that didn't change any minds. How about just last week when I contacted the Laramie County Bridge and Roads and had them remove an illegal lock of a road that was blocking access to several sections of State...yeah, that didn't change minds either.
Its best to just keep hurling the bullchit around and then ask them to solve YOUR problems...good thinking.
My experience on this site doesn't seem to be the same as your perception. I have seen people specifically cite things they like and dislike about BHA, and where and why they feel unrepresented with respect to "some" of those things. Calling all of this bullcrap doesn't help bring people your direction at all.
Everyone has to decide on their own whether BHA is doing more good then harm in their own view. I think a lot of people here, including myself hope that BHA could become an organization that they could more fully support. I don't expect any organization to align with me on everything, but I do expect them to admit when they might be wrong, or at least try to see other views and consider their own potential hypocrisy.