BHA seems “all-in” with Biden

Sep 11, 2019
How is the 2A a God given right if the founding father wrote the constitution? Are they prophets? I believe in the constitution and what it stands for, but am not sure what God has to do with it...
I'll bite. The founding fathers recognized these rights (that all men are free to pursue life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness) as given by God and recognized them as such. Any rules or laws passed to limit these rights were not to be abided by Americans. As such, the 2nd Amendment was created to help free Americans overthrow a government's laws that took away our God-given freedoms. The founding fathers believed that your rights came from God and they did not want to encumber Americans with a gov't that could limit us in unnatural ways. "We find these truths to be self-evident..."

You will find the opposite to be the case in communist countries. Church and God are limited/outlawed as the only rights in those countries are said to be given/taken/owned by the gov't. You see, any "right" given by a gov't can be taken by that gov't as opposed to God-given rights.
Oct 12, 2020
Glad to see you don’t like freedom and will turn over a god given right that’s spelled out in black and white by our founders. I get it, guns are icky. Venezuela and Bolivia turned out great when they gave up their guns. The citizens can not fight back now and they will tell you to never give up your guns so you don’t have the problem that they have.

I’m half crippled up but I’ll be damned if I give up a right or land. I’d fight tooth and nail to keep land. I wish we had more in Wisconsin but it’s at the bottom of the priority list.

Beto O’Cuck can knock on your door and ask for your guns and you’ll hand them over. Me? Well there’s only one way to get mine.
You caught me, I’m on a hunting forum because I don’t like guns and I hate freedom.....

A lot of the complaints I’ve heard outlined against BHA on this thread without any real evidence make seem like those folks would be a lot more fun to have a pint with than those making accusations that they are part of a plot to take guns away. Maybe they aren’t perfect but no group is. I didn’t join up for a year expecting them to be a gun rights group.

If it came down to it I would rather have land but no guns rather than guns but no land. That’s my opinion and I don’t really care if it’s a minority opinion. As someone who claims to be all about freedom I hope you can respect that. Luckily it’s not as simple as land or guns so I don’t have to make that choice. We can have both and have organizations that focus on one rather than the other.


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
So now you're telling me he also went against the state biologists and state game managers to singlehandedly kill your spring bear season? Wow. He must really be a big shot to have so much power over the lives of millions!

I don’t even live there and it’s not my spring bear season. But you don’t even have a clue what your talking about. They got it on a ballot to go around the science based management that Colorado was using. It’s all out there is you care to find out the truth .


Jul 30, 2017
I'll bite. The founding fathers recognized these rights (that all men are free to pursue life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness) as given by God and recognized them as such. Any rules or laws passed to limit these rights were not to be abided by Americans. As such, the 2nd Amendment was created to help free Americans overthrow a government's laws that took away our God-given freedoms. The founding fathers believed that your rights came from God and they did not want to encumber Americans with a gov't that could limit us in unnatural ways. "We find these truths to be self-evident..."

You will find the opposite to be the case in communist countries. Church and God are limited/outlawed as the only rights in those countries are said to be given/taken/owned by the gov't. You see, any "right" given by a gov't can be taken by that gov't as opposed to God-given rights.

Hell ya!!

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Jul 30, 2017
You caught me, I’m on a hunting forum because I don’t like guns and I hate freedom.....

A lot of the complaints I’ve heard outlined against BHA on this thread without any real evidence make seem like those folks would be a lot more fun to have a pint with than those making accusations that they are part of a plot to take guns away. Maybe they aren’t perfect but no group is. I didn’t join up for a year expecting them to be a gun rights group.

If it came down to it I would rather have land but no guns rather than guns but no land. That’s my opinion and I don’t really care if it’s a minority opinion. As someone who claims to be all about freedom I hope you can respect that. Luckily it’s not as simple as land or guns so I don’t have to make that choice. We can have both and have organizations that focus on one rather than the other.

Baaaa Baaaaa Baaaaa

That’s all I heard.

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Rick M.

Mar 9, 2018
Upper Midwest
Baaaa Baaaaa Baaaaa

That’s all I heard.

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The ad hominem style of criticism isn't very constructive. Nor does it help your argument in any way. In fact, it just lets people know that you are beneath seeing reason.

The man takes the time to explain himself and type out a cognizant line of reasoning and you call him a sheep? Is that the default 'I have no educated retort' these days?


Mar 4, 2013
You caught me, I’m on a hunting forum because I don’t like guns and I hate freedom.....

A lot of the complaints I’ve heard outlined against BHA on this thread without any real evidence make seem like those folks would be a lot more fun to have a pint with than those making accusations that they are part of a plot to take guns away. Maybe they aren’t perfect but no group is. I didn’t join up for a year expecting them to be a gun rights group.

If it came down to it I would rather have land but no guns rather than guns but no land. That’s my opinion and I don’t really care if it’s a minority opinion. As someone who claims to be all about freedom I hope you can respect that. Luckily it’s not as simple as land or guns so I don’t have to make that choice. We can have both and have organizations that focus on one rather than the other.
Why don't you show some good things they have done. Particularly at the national level.

Pretty dang hard for guys to show you evidence of things they haven't done. A couple things they did not do. They did not oppose the wolf reintroduction ballot initiative in CO. They did not support the delighting of grizzlies in WY, MT and ID.


Jul 30, 2017
The ad hominem style of criticism isn't very constructive. Nor does it help your argument in any way. In fact, it just lets people know that you are beneath seeing reason.

The man takes the time to explain himself and type out a cognizant line of reasoning and you call him a sheep? Is that the default 'I have no educated retort' these days?

Your right I’m not a fan of Ad Hominem arguments, but the guy is saying he’d rather someone take all of our guns and let us have some land.

C’mon man!

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Mar 11, 2017
I still can't believe guys defend BHA
I’ve literally recruited about 20-volunteers from our local BHA chapter to help on conservation projects with my other org. They are so good at getting publicity and recruiting younger people. I’m going to hate to lose that resource because so much good has been done to help our wildlife population.

Their politics suck and I won’t participate anymore...

Rick M.

Mar 9, 2018
Upper Midwest
Your right I’m not a fan of Ad Hominem arguments, but the guy is saying he’d rather someone take all of our guns and let us have some land.

C’mon man!

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And that's just one guy's opinion on the internet. It's okay if it doesn't align with yours. No need to attack him about it. I love my guns too, just as much as my public lands. I wouldn't be willing to give an inch on either. I believe both are incredible freedoms that we get to enjoy in this country. And the fight to keep both never really ends. It's ongoing. It's very hard to be politically affiliated these days. One party represents taking away public lands for the benefit of rich corporations, the other increases the amount of public lands. On the other side of the same coin, one wants to take away or limit gun rights, the other is fighting for them. @1stGenOutdoorsman has just elucidated which of the two he finds more important. Nothing wrong with that.


Aug 12, 2020
How is the 2A a God given right if the founding father wrote the constitution? Are they prophets? I believe in the constitution and what it stands for, but am not sure what God has to do with it...
Read the declaration of independence. Men (general term for human beings) are born with inalienable rights. These rights are then laid out in the Bill of Rights. The government only exists to protect these rights and the government shall only derive power at the consent of the governed. At any point that the government is no longer protecting these rights it is the right and the duty of the governed to remove that government from power.

Declaration of independence text:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”


Jul 30, 2017
And that's just one guy's opinion on the internet. It's okay if it doesn't align with yours. No need to attack him about it. I love my guns too, just as much as my public lands. I wouldn't be willing to give an inch on either. I believe both are incredible freedoms that we get to enjoy in this country. And the fight to keep both never really ends. It's ongoing. It's very hard to be politically affiliated these days. One party represents taking away public lands for the benefit of rich corporations, the other increases the amount of public lands. On the other side of the same coin, one wants to take away or limit gun rights, the other is fighting for them. @1stGenOutdoorsman has just elucidated which of the two he finds more important. Nothing wrong with that.

I agree with you mostly. It was a rude way of pointing out that I believe his point was one conjured on an incorrect premise.

There is no one or the other. The land goes when the guns go, it might still be public but y’all know for damn sure we ain’t hunting it.

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