Wow, you really think that some teacher carrying a gun is going to flip their lid and shoot a student just because that student is acting out? I was a teacher, never was I in a situation where I even thought about harming a child, and I was in some pretty hairy situations with kids much larger than me. I never saw any other teacher react in a manner that was violent or that I thought might lead to bodily harm. If a teacher wanted to kill a kid, they could stab them with some scissors or with a knife. We were allowed to carry pockets knives less than 3" blades where I worked. Never once did I even consider reaching for my knife, even when I had a 275lb football player come after me, and he was hell bent on harming me.
In all honesty, it is a simple solution. People just don't want it to be simple. A simple solution is not enacting more gun laws. Even if you banned every firearm sale forever from here on, it would take years to see the effects. People would still have access to all types of firearms. The simple solution is allowing people to be able to defend themselves and those around them. I fully understand that most people have no clue how to react when the shit hits the fan. But, not allowing people at least the chance to defend themselves is ludicrous in my opinion. Allowing a teacher to carry a firearm to defend themselves and their students at work is really no different than allowing someone to purchase a gun to defend their home. No gun owner gets upset when someone who has never owned or shot a gun decides to buy one for home protection. But, start talking about allowing that same person to have the option to carry that firearm (if they meet the training standards and permit standards enacted by their state) to their work place and all of a sudden people think it's just the craziest idea in the world.
I am with you, I am shocked that someone would think a teacher is unstable simply because of their profession.
Colorado has had school districts for a few decades now that have full time armed security with arrest powers employed by the school district who work in conjunction with their respective law enforcement agencies. Colorado also has a handful of school districts that have volunteer trained teachers who are armed by their own choice. The programs I am aware of have an incredible wealth of knowledgeable instructors who donate their time and provide training that is on-going and intense. These folks remain anonymous for obvious reasons, and the programs are not widely publicized.
I do not have dreams of a Bruce Willis-esque teacher taking down the squad of highly organized school terrorists. I go back to the idea of soft targets, and EVERY time one of these incidents occurs, the first instance of being challenged the suspect gives up. Mind you, we have not had an instance where the suspect has actually trained with their weapon, and ANY hiccup in their "idea" has shown that they cease and immediately move to their escape or their own demise. I would absolutely rather have my child in a place where I know that there is some form of capable defense rather than KNOW that there is no defense (just like the suspect does). Maybe an analogy that would work here is asking yourself if you would rather hunt a rabbit on a soccer field or a grizzly in the brush with a recurve?
Edit: I misspoke earlier, I remembered the shooting of officers in Dallas a few years ago, the suspect was trained and did fight.