Have a few meopta's with a 2-10 with the parallax adjustment on the way.
I'm new here and am not a professional anything but I think the optika line is awesome.
I have swfa 6x , 10x 12x 3-15 , 3-9 , 1-4 , ultralight , Leupold , sightron , athlon , bushnell elite , weaver , primary arms vortex and the meopta seems to be really good in comparison to my very untrained eye. They are really robust and I wish they were lighter like some other scopes I own.
Last 4 scopes I have purchased were 2 meopta meosport r and the 2-10 PA and 2 athlon helos scopes on sale.
I think shopping you could find an offering from meopta really close to the $300 mark.