Best rifle setup for 10yr old?

I started both of my boys with a 243 at 10 years old, buy 12 they were shooting a 308 and have been ever since.

I would have done the same if I had girls, maybe load a little lighter round or if you don’t reload there’s some lighter loads out there to start her off with.

It all depends on her mentality and you should know her better than anyone on here, heck she’s prolly tougher than most boys, girls generally are at her age..
I’ve been thinking on it as well, even though my oldest son is only 2. Based on factory rifles and ammo, I’d also agree that 7mm-08 seems to be the best choice.

Pick a quality youth rifle, or an adult one and a shortened stock, add a 2-7 or 3-9 scope, and some Hornady Custom Lite. 6.5 Creedmoor recoils slightly less, but there is no factory reduced recoil ammo for it.

You’ve got something with very mild recoil that will reliably kill deer out to 150 yards. If the time comes for an elk hunt, I’d sight their gun in with full power ammo without their knowledge, and I doubt they would even tell the difference with the adrenaline going if they shoot one.

They will never outgrow that rifle, and you can add something like a 7mm or 300 Magnum with a 4-16 scope when they graduate high school if it seems like they would get some use out if it.
If the time comes for an elk hunt, I’d sight their gun in with full power ammo without their knowledge, and I doubt they would even tell the difference with the adrenaline going if they shoot one.

A cautionary tale here. When was a kid, I practiced with a million rounds of .22 LR and a bunch of very light loaded 110 gr loads that my dad made up for our .308. When the time came to pull the trigger on my first caribou, I forgot that I now had a real load in the chamber and held the gun like it had no recoil. A loose hold + a 180 gr .308 load and I got slapped silly! I had plenty of adrenaline, but I can STILL remember that recoil. Dang near knocked me down. I got the bull, but it took me a minute to sort my life back out.

My plan is to step from the .223 to the 7-08 and then eventually a 30-06 or similar.

Barrel from Match Grade Machine chambered in 7-08. The whole gun is 34" long and just over 6 lbs.

It works good for my 10 year old :cool:


I should note that the .270 WIN I had her using (8-9 years old) worked well but it was too big for her to position very well so I built that 7-08. She was just as deadly with the .270 though.


Nice pics of a happy kid and proud dad.
Love seeing threads like this - nobody arguing about calibers, but explaining how to get the next generation of hunters in the mix.

I’ve got three younguns and they’re all shooters... can’t wait until they start stacking deer. You all are setting a fine example!
Granted, my son is 1... but I've got a 25-35 stored away for his first deer gun and then a 708 for when he's capable of a little more recoil. Based on my own experience of learning to shoot with a lever gun, it makes sense to me, but I know won't be for everyone.
My 10 year old son has a Tikka T3X compact 7/08 and loves it. For whitetail he is shooting the Hornady reduced recoil 120’s and it will keep them at 3/4” at 100 yards and about 2” at 200 yard. That rifle topped with a 2-7 leupy is a joy to carry as well. I am actually thinking about getting one for my self and dropping it in a full size stock

Barrel from Match Grade Machine chambered in 7-08. The whole gun is 34" long and just over 6 lbs.

It works good for my 10 year old :cool:


I should note that the .270 WIN I had her using (8-9 years old) worked well but it was too big for her to position very well so I built that 7-08. She was just as deadly with the .270 though.



Awesome, that kid has some unreal trophy’s... nice job dad

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If elk weren’t on the menu, I suggest an AR-15 chambered in 6.5 Grendel or 6.8 SPC. I built one for my son in 6.8 and he shot his first deer with it when he was 10. He’s since shot 3 more with that rifle and I’ve been really impressed with how well it performs on deer sized game. I think the AR platform is perfect for kids. I went with a 16” barrel and collapsible stock. It’s really lightweight, adjustable for small shooters, and there is practically no recoil at all. It’s a deer slayer for sure out to 2 or 3 hundred yards. While I do hear guys taking elk with both 6.8 SPC and 6.5 Grendel, I don’t think I’d be comfortable with it. I put together a nice little Savage Lightweght Hunter in a Boyd’s laminate stock, chambered in 6.5 creedmoor. My son took his first elk with it just a couple weeks ago. 196 yard shot on a cow and it anchored her right there, one shot.
I guess it depends on how recoil shy she is. If she can shoot something like a creed or 7mm-08 or similar, then by all means, that’s the best route. But, if she’s flinching bad and it’s too much recoil, look at an AR option in 6.8SPC or 6.5 Grendel.

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I'm curious if you gave any consideration to a 6.5creedmor AR10?

Barrel from Match Grade Machine chambered in 7-08. The whole gun is 34" long and just over 6 lbs.

It works good for my 10 year old :cool:


I should note that the .270 WIN I had her using (8-9 years old) worked well but it was too big for her to position very well so I built that 7-08. She was just as deadly with the .270 though.


That camo blends really well with this rocks. Wow!
A few guys on a local forum swear by the Barnes 120 ttsx for the 7mm-08. They were killing elk with them. Lighter recoil with the lighter bullet but the copper bullets penetrate really well. Just another way to skin a cat.
Not to sidetrack the thread but it was insane. With her being so small it was VERY hard to keep tabs on her. Best Rokslide Classifieds section score ever

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I will agree. That stuff really works.
I also like your rifle set up. One of my students’ dad set him up with that single shot in 7mm-08 and his reasoning was all about safety. Makes perfect sense.
I got a good deal on a ruger American so I went that route, but I’m searching for the single shot T/C.