Best rifle setup for 10yr old?

How big is she? Mine 9yo will be ten in March. She's over 5' and growing so fast I don't see how to manage without an adjustable stock. That means AR to me.

I don't think weight is a big deal if you teach shooting from a rested aim. Just don't make it too long as getting the weight out from the body makes it hard for people with limited upper body strength to move a rifle around. An 8# gun is fine if it is short.

How far would you shoot an elk with a 6.5CM? Somewhere at the end of that range you're in 6.5 Grendel territory. Is her maximum range short enough to match the end of the range at which a 6.5CM is good for elk?

If going above 6.5G, .250 Savage, .30/30 case capacity, a suppressor to reduce recoil seems necessary. (I wouldn't put a kid up against the blast of a muzzle brake on a bet.)

Tell, ya what. Since you didn't mention budget you must be loaded. Just get an integrally suppressed carbon fiber AR-15 in 25 WSSM. Run 120gr mono bullets at full speed. No problem.
Awesome thread, thanks OP. I’ve thought a lot about this now I have my 1&2 YOs. After taking my nephews this weekend, who are both pretty well city kids out to the lease, I will 2nd the post about suppressing the rifles. I let them have the choice of my naked 243 or 300wm with a trash panda on it, and they each shot a box through the 300 for fun along with taking 2 deer each. That can makes the whole experience more enjoyable for everyone around, and makes it the “cool” gun too.

Barrel from Match Grade Machine chambered in 7-08. The whole gun is 34" long and just over 6 lbs.

It works good for my 10 year old :cool:


I should note that the .270 WIN I had her using (8-9 years old) worked well but it was too big for her to position very well so I built that 7-08. She was just as deadly with the .270 though.


What length barrel on the pro hunter? I like that set up.
Going through this with my 12 y/o daughter right now. She is very sensitive to recoil so after lots of .22 lr I started her on a .243 with reduced (60%) loads of H4895 and 55 gr bullets (should kick less than .223) and am having a brake installed to keep her comfortable. It's been quite a journey...
Going through this with my 12 y/o daughter right now. She is very sensitive to recoil so after lots of .22 lr I started her on a .243 with reduced (60%) loads of H4895 and 55 gr bullets (should kick less than .223) and am having a brake installed to keep her comfortable. It's been quite a journey...

I’d listen to this man